Chapter Five: The Hate You Give 🙏🏼

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Make sure you listen to this song. It goes well with this chapter in my opinion ❤
"Good morning Ashanti, how did you sleep?" Says Vladimir walking into my room with a tray filled with all kinds of breakfast food.

"I slept fine...such wonder's a hard cement floor could do for a girl". I say filled with sarcasm.

I instantly see from under my eyelashes, his fists start to clench and unclench themselves and I start to give a wide smirk, but remember that this devil is unstable and can attack at any given moment. If I am aiming to set myself free. I need to be smart and think my actions all the way through before performing them. I swallow down the bile rising in my throat and put on my best award winning smile.

"Forgive me my любовь (love)". I say while giving him my best puppy dog eyes. "I didn't mean to upset you it is just...I am not feeling well and last night's slumber truly made the pain worse."

Immediately as soon as my words spilled out. He dropped the tray and ran to my side gliding his rough and calloused hands all over my body to fill for any damage done. I start to think of my son's blanket and room upstairs and start weeping loudly giving off the impression that I am indeed in great pain. What I didn't expect was for him to lift me up in one quick and executed flawlessly movement and begin to run up the cold, hard and damp basement steps. "Do not worry honey, I will take good care of you. We are going to the best hospital in Russia so they will take excellent care of you." He says looking down at me with what would appear to be the most gentle and soft eyes that I haven't seen since I announced we were expecting with our son Alexei. I snap out of my thoughts when I fill myself being placed down on a leather yet plush surface and realize that we are in his Audi R8. "Thank you, Vladimir. Don't worry too much about me. I think I am f-fine". I say, but let out a series of whimpers while tightly clutching my stomach. "Stay in there my возлюбленная (beloved)...We are almost to the hospital baby". He says with that thick Russian accent while pressing down on the gas harder, making me let out a tiny yelp from how much horsepower this car is pushing. I sit back and think for a second when we get to St. Paul's Hospital should this be my moment to escape or should I wait.....

I am knocked out of my thoughts by Vladimir saying "Okay, my heart we are here". Before I could even spare him a glance he is out of the car and on the other side of the car and opening my door.

"Thank you Vlad for bringing me here." I say, smiling but then I stop and let out a huge fake scream of pain.

Vladimir immediately picks me up but not before locking his precious car and carrying me inside the hospital, which feels like everything and everyone has paused at his presence which is understandable everyone knows Vladimir the Russian mafia boss who has close ties to the Russian government. He helps them and they in return help him, but of course, no-one dares to backstab Vladimir Borisovich Petrov.

"Get your sorry asses in gear now and someone come and help my fucking wife!! " He shouts at the top of his lungs making everyone jump out of fear.

"Sir....p-please take her into the f-first room on the l-left." A scared blonde little nurse said.

"Bitch stop stuttering, I haven't done nothing to your ugly flat ass." Vladimir says harshly while making spit fly in the girls face and rushing me to the room she has assigned and gently laying me on the bed.

"Everything will be fine my love".

"I know Vlad...Everything will come to those who are patient". I say looking at him with a small smile which gets bigger at his confused look he has.

Approximately thirty minutes have passed and the doctor has finally come in and told Vladimir to leave so he could get my blood and urine sample. Before he can touch me though I gently grab his hand and look him in his eyes. "Help me escape him....I promise to make it worth your while."

"What could you possibly have that will make me change my mind."

"Well, besides being a freak in the sheets, I have money and in that purse on the counter has 250,000 dollars in it. Enough for you to get the hell out of here Mr. Volkov. What do you say?"

At that moment I thought he would run and tell Vladimir but instead he takes my purse and puts it under the hospital bed and then he turns to the computer and types in a code which makes the hospital start flashing red with a loud siren. "Start acting Mrs. Petrov." He says in his broken English dialect and then starts rushing me out the room where Vladimir has fear all over his face. "She needs surgery immediately!!"

"Ashanti! Please stay in there!". My only response is a pain filled scream and me clutching my stomach tightly. Before I can look into Vladimir eyes we are in this room and Vladimir is being escorted back to the waiting area.

"Nice acting but you might want to learn how to cry on cue."

"Very funny, now how the hell do I get out of here?"

He grabs my purse out from under the bed and takes the money out of it, but leaves 100,000 and looks at me. "You will need it more than me for your journey will be a long one." He gently takes my hand and opens a door I didn't even know was in the room and leads me down a flight of stairs which then leads to the parking garage and puts me in his car and speeds out of the hospital.

"Why are you helping me Mr. Volkov?"

"I have seen my mother be beaten before by my father and I think that a man who does that to his wife should be executed on the spot. Also, your eyes tell a lot of your pain."

"Well....Thank you for this." The only response I get is a grunt which is the last thing heard for the remainder of the ride.

1 hour and 20 minutes later after going through airport procedures we walk on the last plane to our desired destination which happens to be L.A.

"I can't believe I made it this far...." I say looking out the window and letting the tears fall freely.

It is like the great saying goes "Only the strong survive the cruelest tests put In front of them". Mr. Volkov says, looking at me and letting out a small smile.

I smile back at him and finally, after 10 minutes the plane is taking off and I can see in the distance a bunch of black cars with my husbands favorite blue Audi R8 rushing to try to get to me but It is too late. The plan has taken off and for the first time in a long time I have a sense of being at peace. I hope this feeling lasts forever....

Wow....our girl finally did it you guys! If you liked this part you already know to smash that vote button and let me hear in the comments down below. I love you guys and I can't honestly thank each and every one of you more for just giving me a shot and my story. Until next time, which will be soon because your girl is here to stay honey. Bye guys and continue to stay safe my loves.

Love ~

Laila 😍😘💕

Word Count: 1345

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