Hate You Give Preview 👑💅

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“Good morning Ashanti, how did you sleep?”  Says Vladimir walking into my room with a tray filled with all kinds of breakfast food.

“I slept fine…such wonder’s a hard cement floor could do for a girl”. I say filled with sarcasm.

I instantly see from under my eyelashes his fists start to clench and unclench themselves and I start to give a wide smirk but remember that this devil is unstable and can attack at any given moment. If I am aiming to set myself free. I need to be smart and think my actions all the way through before performing them. I swallow down the bile rising in my throat and put on my best award winning smile.

“Forgive me my любовь (love)”. I say while giving him my best puppy dog eyes. “I didn’t mean to upset you it is just…I am not feeling well and last night’s slumber truly made the pain worse.”

Immediately as soon as my words spilled out. He dropped the tray and ran to my side gliding his rough and calloused hands all over my body to fill for any damage done. I start to think of my son’s blanket and room upstairs and start weeping loudly giving off the impression that I am indeed in great pain. What I didn’t expect was for him to lift me up in one quick and executed flawlessly movement and begin to run up the cold, hard and damp basement steps. “Do not worry honey, I will take good care of you. We are going to the best hospital in Russia so they will take excellent care of you.” He says looking down at me with what would appear to be the most gentle and soft eyes that I haven’t seen since I announced we were expecting with our son Alexei. I snap out of my thoughts when I fill myself being placed down on a leather yet plush surface and realize that we our in his Audi R8. “Thank you, Vladimir. Don’t worry too much about me. I think I am f-fine”. I say but let out a series of whimpers while tightly clutching my stomach. “Stay in there my возлюбленная (beloved)…We are almost to the hospital baby”. He says with that thick Russian accent while pressing down on the gas harder making me let out a tiny yelp from how much horsepower this car is pushing. I sit back and think for a second when we get to St. Paul’s Hospital should this be my moment to escape or should I wait…..  

Sorry that I have been kind of M.I.A. I've just been under a lot of pressure lately from people in my close circle and ya girl getting tired of it. Anyway, enough about me. Let me know by voting and especially COMMENTING if yo girl Ashanti should make her escape or if she should wait. Until the next time we see each other which might be tonight if y'all push that vote and comment button! See ya!!

Love ~
Laila 😍😘❤

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