Chapter 1: New Country. New City. New Home.

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Edited 2021: So if you guys saw my A/N I said that I was going to rewrite the whole thing and continue when done, same thing with my other story; so here is the first rewritten chapter. Hope you guys like it!


(Y/N's POV)

As our plane landed in the airport, I could feel some adrenaline rushing through my veins. Probably because I'm excited, nervous, a little bit anxious, and more. While getting off the plane, many paparrazis were taking pictures, there were news reporters reporting our arrival, and fans who were asking for autographs and for pictures. I go take a few pics, sign some autographs and then we leave the airport, where the beautiful blue clear sky is in sight and I can feel the heat of the sun in contact with my skin. My family and I see the limousine that is taking us to our home so we head towards it and get inside.

'I can't believe I'm actually living in Paris!'

As so many thoughts are going thgouth my head, my mom turns to me and ask, "¿Todavía te acuerdas de los idiomas que aprendiste en especial el frances, verdad?"

(Translation: You still remember the languages that you've learned especially french, right?)

"Si querida madre." I replied. I got a little bored, therefore I plug in my earbugs and listen to my music.

(Translation: Yes dear mother.)

We arrived at our home, which is technically a mansion, not trying to show off or anything, and get off our ride being greeted by our servants and our main Butler/Maid, B/M/N. He/She approaches to me, bows/curtsies, and greets, "Welcome Princess Y/N! We are very happy to see you again. How was the flight?"

"B/M/N you know that you can just call me Y/N, and the flight was splendid, thanks for asking." I reply curtsying back.

"Of course, and I know Y/N. I'm glad your flight was well. Would you like to head to your room?"

"Yes please."

"Shall we?" He/She playfully says.

I laugh and reply with, "We shall."

We go inside the mansion and head to my room, making a few turns here and there. We arrive infront of my door that leads into my room. B/M/N opens the door for me, I thank him/her, and walk inside noticing the different touches they put in every inch of the dormintary. I do a little spin to admire every detail.

"So what do you think?" B/M/N questions stading next to me.

"It's beautiful! I love everything, thank you!" I replied embracing him/her into a hug. "Thank you."

"You're very welcome Y/N. Now I will take my leave. If you need anything don't hesitate to call" I nod and with the last of his/her words, he/she leaves.

Walking to the balcony, I could feel the change in breeze of afternoon to sunset of Paris. I place both of my hands on the railing, looking at the beautiful view infront of me; you can even see The Eiffel Tower from here. Remembering about my kwamis, I go back inside my room and see them both floating around checking my room. Well, Yin is actually carring her brother Yang around checking my room. I motion her to bring him over to me and once he's laying at the palm of my hand, his eyes open up revealing his dark blue eyes.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up." I apologized.

Yin flies next to me and replies for him, "We did sleep for most of the trip."

"I mean, I really don't mind taking another nap." Yang joked, making me laugh and him earning a slap in his arm by Yin.

I started to hear my parents calling out for me, so I look at my kwamis nodding at me knowing what to do. I look at myself in the mirror to make sure I look presentable infront of my parents, habit of being royalty. Anyways, I head downstairs and take many turns to arrive in the living room. Once I get there I see my parents talking and tea already served on the coffee table. I take a seat infront of my parents and so they start.

"Y/N sweetheart. . ." My mother started saying, but then looks at my father. There was along pause, making me look at one of them confused.

They both take a deep breath and my father continues, "I know we just got here today, and due to us helping your brother with the ruling of Nalia, meaning going to meetings, traveling, petitions, help from other kingdoms, and so much more, we have decided to put you in a public school starting tomorrow."

"Uhm, okay." I simply reply with a smile.

'Time out!'

Yes, I now what you are thinking, why am I not bothered by these news? I'm just simply not bothered by it because this would be a new experience for me and it would test my skills as a princess meaing that even though I have school, I can also attend events, committees, and so much more making sure I have all of my work is done. Anyways. . .

'Time in'

"Sweetie, you're not bother by it?" My mother confusely ask.

"Why would I? It would be a new experience for me." I say with a smile.

"Well, we are glad you are on board with this pumpkin." My father states.

"Of course. I guess I should head to my room to get my beauty rest if I have to wake up early for school tomorrow." I get up and kiss my parents goodnight. "Wow that's a sentence I never thought would come out of my mouth." My parents chuckle and I leave to go to my room.

Once I arrive, my kwamis got out of their doll house and flew towards me. They look at eachother, then at me, so Yin ask, "Y/N is everything alright?"

I smile at them putting my hands up, they land and rest on it while I reply with, "Of course, why woudn't it be?"

"Well you seemed kind of tensed so." Yang says.

"Maybe because I'm nervous of how things are going to be played tomorrow, since my parents enrolled me to a public school." I explain.

"Oh." They realize in unison.

"Well I'm going to head to the shower, do my routine, and go to bed. You two going to bed?"

They nod. We say our goodnights, I do my thing, and after I'm done I get under the covers of my bed, drifting off to the world of slumb. . .

Paris is the City of Love  (Adrien Agreste x Reader) REWRITING (On Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now