-45- 🌓 When We Were Young

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"You still look like a movie. You still sound like a song. My God, this reminds me of when we were young."
~Adele, 'When We Were Young'


*Kit's POV*

| Another five years later |

"This is ridiculous!"

"You can't be serious!"

"This goes against our oldest traditions!"

I roll my eyes as I listen to the various protests of the pack elders. We've had to deal with a lot of bullshit over the years, but this one takes the cake.

What are they complaining about this time?
They're upset that we're naming Remi our heir, instead of choosing a 'natural born Alpha'.

To clarify, they're upset that Theo won't impregnate a female Omega in our pack to produce a natural born Alpha.

I would be blinded by rage at the mere suggestion, but this isn't the first time I've heard it. The elders have been trying to convince Theo to impregnate a female wolf for years, and he's always shut them down immediately.

And yet, they continue to act surprised that we're naming our son as our heir. Remi's only eleven-years-old, so the elders still have time to get used to the idea of him being the next Alpha.

"Why is that ridiculous?" Theo questions, glaring at the elders.

"He's not your blood!" One of the elders shouts. "Every one of our Alphas has been the blood son of the previous Alpha."

Theo's eyes flash as he leans over the elder menacingly. "Are you saying my son is less worthy because he was adopted?" He growls.

I cross my arms over my chest, watching my mate defend our son with pride. My wedding band catches the light, making my lips twitch up in a smile.

"N-No, Alpha Theo," the man cowers. "I only meant that a natural born Alpha would be a lot stronger, and more effective to lead."

This time, I push myself off the wall and stalk over to the elder. "I'm not a natural born Alpha," I point out, my tone icy. "Are you saying I am a weak and ineffective leader?"

The elder pales as he realizes he can't possibly win this conversation. "N-No, Alpha Kit."

I sigh, lightly touching Theo's arm. Theo stands up straight so that he's no longer leaning over the trembling elder. He looks out over the room of elders, all of whom have fallen silent.

"Remi will be the next Alpha of the Golden Moon Pack," Theo announces firmly. "End of discussion."

"You're dismissed," I tell them, and they all rise from their seats before walking out of the pack house. I turn to my mate, frowning at the exhaustion on his face. Reaching up, I rub his back soothingly. "Don't let them get to you."

Theo grabs my hand and kisses my knuckles. "I won't. Nothing can ruin this day."

I smile at him, leaning in to quickly peck him on the lips. "Is everything set for tonight?"

Theo nods his head. "Remi is spending the weekend with Caleb and Jayden since he's able to hang out with Sawyer. I've prepared everything else, so you don't have to worry about a thing."

I hum with a small smile, grabbing the front of his shirt and pulling him to me. Our lips clash together, and Theo growls into the kiss. Wrapping his arms around my waist, Theo holds me tightly as my tongue roams his mouth greedily. All too soon, I break the kiss, pressing my hands against his chest to keep him from coming back for more.

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