The Council Meeting

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In the castle of the harmony troll, located somewhere between SymphonyVille and Techno Reef, Queen Roxanne and King Titus of Trollstopia were making preparations for the other troll leaders to arrive for the very first Council of Harmony Meeting.

"Did you invite everyone?" Titus asked Roxy.

"Yes dear!" Roxy replied. Her rainbow-colored hair bounced behind her as she scurried about in a panic.

"Including your sister?"

"Yes, of course!"

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. The couple froze and looked at each other.

"You get the door, I'll get the snacks," Roxy said as she made a run for the kitchen. "Make sure to lead them to the right room this time!"

"Alright!" Titus floated over to the front door and opened it, letting all the troll leaders in.

Roxy grabbed all the snacks that she had prepared the night before and ran to the meeting room before anybody else could get there. She then threw the snacks on the large table, then she ran up to the front of the room and took a seat at the head of the table.

Once everyone had entered the room and was seated, Roxy took a deep breath, and cleared her throat to get everyone's attention.

"Roll Call!" Everybody stood up as the harmony troll went down her list of names.

"Here, Auntie!"


"Delta Dawn?"
"Right here, doll!"


"I'm here, sis!"



"I'm over here, mom!"

"And last, but certainly not least, Trollzart?"
"I'm here!"

"Great!" Roxy said as she threw the list over her shoulder and motioned for everyone to take a seat once more.

"Welcome fellow troll leaders...and Branch," she called out. Branch waved at her. "The first meeting of the council of harmony is now in session!"

"I'm happy to be here!" Poppy shouted.

"Why are we here?" Delta asked as she looked around the room.

"Yeah," Barb said as she propped her feet on the table. "You didn't exactly specify why we needed to be here."

"Exactly!" Katheryn stated loudly. She proceeded to take her invitation out of her pocket and read it aloud.

"Dear trolls leaders, tomorrow marks the first meeting of the council of harmony! Please be at Harmony castle by 3 pm so we can start on time. P.S. Prepare yourselves. Anything could happen!" She threw the invitation onto the table and leaned back in her seat.

"What did you mean by "anything could happen?" I'm confused," Essence asked.

"Well..." Roxy started to say as a bead of sweat rolled down her face. "I thought that since we have nothing truly important to discuss yet, that maybe we could use this time"

"What do you mean bond?" Trollzart asked.

Roxy places her hands on the table and stood up. "My creator got an idea the other day, that we should participate in an Ask and Dare thread."

The room went dead silent. It was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. Then, someone finally broke the silence.

"You're joking, right?" Delta chuckled nervously. "Please tell me you're joking..." Roxy just shook her head as Delta's face turned white with terror.

"What's wrong?"

Delta slowly stood up and started to inch her way towards the door. "Listen, doll, I love you, but this is by far the dumbest idea you're creator has ever had."

"Hey, don't make fun of my creator like that," Roxy said sternly. "She's very sensitive about that kind of talk."

"Well I think it's a great idea!" Poppy said. "Branch, don't let her leave!"

"On it!" Branch said as he stood in front of the door, blocking Delta's only exit. She groaned, turned around and sat back down at the table.

"Well, it was worth a shot," she grumbled. Delta smacked her head down on the table. "What are the rules, even though I already know them..."

"Well..." Roxy yanked a piece of yellow paper out of the pocket of her shorts and smoothed it out on the table.

"The rules are as thus:
Any troll (or human) can ask anybody on the council of harmony a question, or dare them to do something. The catch? You must answer the question truthfully and/or you must complete the dare. Some questions/dares may be mild, but others might make you very uncomfortable, but that's just part of the fun."

Roxy looked up from the sheet of paper and back out at the troll leaders.

"Soooo, All in favor of this being our first bonding activity as the Council of Harmony, say aye!"

"AYE!" Everybody said in unison.

"All apposed?" Nothing. Roxy smiled and raised her hands up above her head. "Well then..." She slammed her hands down on the table, causing everyone to jump.

"Let the havoc commence!"

TWT Ask and DareTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang