Chapter 31: Healing

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Yang Xiao Long sat on the couch on her home at Patch, scrolling through the local news channels. However, once the news landed on Adam, she started trembling a bit. She soon turns off the TV and rests. She looks at the books on the coffee table beside her before looking down at her arm. Someone enters the house. Yang looks behind her and it was her father Taiyang Xiao Long.

Yang: Hey dad.

Tai: Hey kiddo! Guess what came in today?!

Tai moves most of the stuff and places a box in front of her. He opens the box and reveals a robotic arm. Yang was impressed and it even had her emblem on her back of the hand, including an Atom symbol on the arm.

Tai: You like it? General Ironwood had someone custom-built it for you!

Yang: *chuckles lightly* I'm pretty sure on who made it.

Tai: Well, wanna try it out?

Yang looks at the arm before politely shaking her head.

Yang: Not today. Maybe later I guess? I'm still a little shaken.

Tai: Right. *sigh* You know, that black haired friend of yours. She'll be fine okay, she did say that she'll visit her parents.

Yang: Yeah. I know.

Yang picks up the arm and inspects it before bringing it to her room.

*Meanwhile, on a boat headed to Menagerie*

Blake Belladonna was casually resting and taking in the smell of the fresh sea. Sun Wukong was busy interacting with the other people on board. Blake couldn't help but wonder on what Yang is doing right now, but she hopes that she is doing well. She did promise that she'll come back.

Captain: Traveling alone?

Blake looks at the captain, a bit startled but she calms down.

Blake: Not really. But sometimes being alone is relaxing.

Captain: *chuckles* That maybe be true, but it can sometimes be a lonely voyage. But those who travel alone do have some interesting stories.

Blake: *chuckles lightly* For some while others, not so much.

Captain: Well, fair warning. These trips can often be boring.

He takes his leave. Blake stares back into the distance before undoing her bow. She looks that the ribbon.

Blake: Won't be needing this anymore.

She lets the wind take away her bow. Sun, who saw her do that, smiled.

*Meanwhile, Vale*

In the ruined city of Vale, a Beowolf was walking around the streets, it raises it's snout to smell something. It was suddenly sliced in half and burned to ash. Standing in front of where the Beowolf was stood a boy with white wings. This boy is Angel Rune. His daughter, Hana Rune, was beside him as she took out the last Grimm within their area. They both sat down the sidewalk and took a drink from their water bottles.

Hana: *sigh* Angel?

Angel: Yeah?

Hana: How long till auntie will wake up?

Angel sighs heavily. Even with the help of Gabriel, he can't tell when Luna and her sisters would wake up. He looks at the sad and worried face of his daughter before speaking.

Angel: I... I don't know... But I do hope that they'll wake up soon.

Hana: Let's go visit her. I really miss her and her sisters.

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