Chapter 29: Team SSNW Aftermath

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In the Birch Household, Silver and Newt were staring at each other.

Newt: Where were you?

Silver: None of your business.

She goes to walk upstairs but Newt blocks her path.

Newt: Which is it this time? Drinking? Fight clubs?

Silver grabs Newt by the collar.

Silver: Like. I. Said. It's none of your fucking business jackass. Now just move out of the way before I make you.

Newt sighs and moves out of the way.

Newt: Be sure to clean yourself for tomorrow. The Schnee's invited us to a charity ball for next week.

Silver: Fuck the parties! None of them care about Beacon! At least Luna's concerts were better than those stupid parties.

Newt: Weiss invited us you asshole!

Silver's eyes widen and looks away in shame.

Silver: Tell her that I can't go.

Newt: Again with that shit?! That's the fourth party that you turned down sis. First you turned down a party to commemorate Penny's death. Then you turned down a party request from General Ironwood. And finally, a party to celebrate Luna's birthday! Her fucking birthday Silver!

Silver: *scoffs* Whatever. General Irondick can go fuck with Winter and Glynda in a threesome elsewhere while managing his fucking job. Luna's not even fucking here to celebrate her birthday since she's in a fucking long ass coma! And Penny's dead! So what's the fucking point? Just build her again for fucks sake.


Newt had already reached the end of his patience. Silver just insulted General Ironwood, the same General who gave them a shelter when Newt's mother died. She also insulted Luna, who is also her friend and teammate. And she finally insulted Penny, who died during her match in the Vytal Festival, by saying that she can just be rebuilt like a simple machine.


Newt grabs Silver by her collar and punches her.

Newt: How dare you *Punch* insult *Punch* our mentor *Punch* and father figure! *Punch* Then our team leader *Punch* and best friend! *Punch* And finally *Punch* you decide *Punch* to insult Penny *punch* like she's just a simple tool!

And Newt hits Silver with one finally punch and a battle cry. She had a bloodied and beaten face but her aura is slowly healing her wounds. Newt stands up and punches the wall.

Newt: You know. If Ryker was here, he'd be ashamed about what happened to you!

Silver: *weakly* You're one to talk... *Coughs* Like how you prioritized Atlas before Velvet!

Newt: And leave you alone to mope on Luna's bedside, drinking?! No, I wasn't going to let that happen. At least I know what's important. All you're doing, is wasting your life by drinking, smoking, fighting, and all the other shit you've been doing!

Both siblings glare at each other before Newt heads upstairs and slams his door close, leaving behind a beaten up Silver. She hangs her head low.

*Meanwhile, Somewhere in Anima*

The leader of the Fallen Eye Bandits opens his eyes and was greeted by sunlight. He groans and sits up. As the light shines down on him, it's revealed that the leader is none other than Ryker Wells.

He places a hand on his forehead as if he's in pain. He seems to have a scar across his right eye. He slowly gets out of his bed and walks over to his clothes since he slept with only his pants on. He wore a simple maroon shirt, black jeans, and black combat boots.

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