Clarence Walker Character Short

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A young boy, who is possibly in the age of 2, was in a small basket in the streets. A hooded person walks by the basket and the basket disappears as the person passed by. In an old building, three people are looking at the child.

???: Why did you bring a child here?

???: Forgive me High Leader Seth... But this child could be of use to us.

Seth: Hm... You maybe right... This boy maybe of use...

???: What shall be his name?

Seth: Hm...

???: What about Clarence sir? In honor of-

Seth: I know... In honor of my first apprentice.

Seth looks at the boy.

Seth: *smiles darkly* Clarence... Walker...

*Timeskip, 10 years old*

Sounds of swords are clashing. Walker and an assassin are sparring... To the death!

Walker: Best you got?

Walker taunted. The assassin charges at him while he doesn't move. He smirks and fixes his glasses as the assassin flies by him. The assassin stops a few meters behind Walker before falling over.

*Clap* *clap* *clap*

???: It's good to see that you're not slacking off.

Walker: Good to see you too... Parks...

Glade: Well, just because you're Seth's favorite doesn't mean you're better than anyone else here.

Walker: I'm not trying to be better than anyone. I know I'm better.

Glade: That over confidence of yours will get you killed.

Walker: And so will your ego.

Glade: Whatever...

Glade leaves. Walker takes his stance and smirks.

Walker: I bet you'll die first than me Parks... And my hunch is that it will be to your favorite soldier...

*Timeskip, 16 years old*

Seth: Clarence, step forward.

Walker steps forward and bows.

Walker: What is it sir?

Before Walker got his answer, he dodged an incoming attack from behind. He closely looks at the attacker and it's a young boy, at least three or four years younger than him.

Walker: What is the meaning of this?!

He asked Seth but the kid charges at him and tries to attack him but he blocks his attack. Walker counters with a swift slash of his blade but the kid rolls away and throws a knife at him, barely missing him but cuts his cheek. The kid charges at him and starts swinging and laughing like a madman.

Walker: Damnit! What kind of kid did they bring?! Is this kid on drugs or some shit?!

The kid continues the laugh and swing his knife at Walker, who was easily dodging his attacks, like a stupid madman would. Walker looks at the kid's eyes as he sees that the kid had been through a shitty life and had gone crazy. No, crazy is an understatement. The kid had gone insane.

Walker: Shit! This kid doesn't care if he kills me, doesn't he?! Fine!

Walker finally gets serious and starts fighting the kid. He swings his knife around and damages the kid's aura a little bit before flipping over him to dodge an attack. The kid gets pissed and starts running and slashing wildly. Walker dodges his attacks but not all of it.

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