XLI- heavenly touch

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(Y/n) felt so warm. It was a certain contrast to how the room and bed felt when she had gone to bed last night, though last night was a bit of a blur.

She had gone to bed quite late after drinking with Indigo, but when (Y/n)'s eyes peeled open she found herself somewhere new and unfamiliar. Well, 'unfamiliar' wasn't exactly accurate since there were various things in the room she recognised very well, namely her house plants.

"What the hell...?" She muttered tiredly. (Y/n) stood up, she was still wearing the same clothes that she'd worn the day before though it was obviously the next morning by now.

(Y/n) walked over to the door but it was locked and wouldn't move. There were no hints of any way to unlock it from within the room so the lock must have been on the outside.

"Hey!" She called while pounding her fist at the door. "Open this door!!"

The room she was in was dark, even once (Y/n) had switched on the lights. Her plants offered some of the only color in the room as most of everything else was either dark grey or unpainted wood.

"Let me out! Indigo?!" (Y/n) shouted, hoping her words were reaching someone.

Her breath caught in her throat, she tried to keep herself calm but her heart couldn't stop racing no matter how much she told herself not to freak out.

She pressed her ear to the door and heard footsteps approaching. (Y/n) took the opportunity to make more noise by hitting her fist against the door. "Hey!! Is someone there?!"

"Hold on, (Y/n)!" A voice called back. Was that... Leo?

(Y/n) paled and stepped back. "No..." She breathed out. How was he here? How did he find her? Was Atlas there too?

She heard several locks click and then the door was opened. (Y/n) was still backing away from the opening in fear.

Her assumption had been correct and Leo walked in with a soft smile on his face. "Are you feeling okay?" He asked sincerely, walking over to her with a slow pace like one would approach a small frightened animal.

(Y/n) blinked a few times in disbelief. Was she feeling okay? What type of a question was that? Of course she fucking wasn't! "What's going on? Where am I?" She breathed out, her hand held her chest to feel her racing heart.

Leo's heart was going at a mile a minute too but for a totally different reason.

"(Y/n)... Please calm down." Leo asked, her back had hit the wall so he took the opportunity to grow much closer to her now she was cornered in.

"Oh my god. Get away from me!" (Y/n) tried to push against Leo but her wouldn't move away from her. He didn't fight back, he only looked down at her with sadness in his dual colored eyes before gently taking her wrists in his hands, being very careful not to hurt her.

"You're not in any danger here, (Y/n), you'll never be in any danger again. We're going to protect you." He said slowly to make sure she took in every word.

"We? You mean-?"

"Atlas. He's just picking up a few things for you from the store." Leo let go of (Y/n) but before she could continue her assault on him her pulled her in for a hug and nuzzled his face into her hair. Leo inhaled deeply and sighed out in satisfaction. "You have no idea how much I missed you. I'm so glad you're here, I love you so much."

(Y/n) was frozen in shock. She couldn't say anything, nothing she said could give the chills she felt any justice.

Leo laughed to himself like someone had made a hilarious joke but really he was just giggling in pure delight. "I'll never let you get hurt again, you have no reason to be scared. Nothing will happen without your permission."

It was pretty rich of him to say that after taking her here without her permission and as he held her without her permission but despite that (Y/n) couldn't help but be slightly eased by the underlying sentiment.

"Please, Leo... Let me go."

He clutched her tightly at those words but it still wasn't enough to hurt. "I can't do that, I love you far too much. These past few days have been hell, I can't live without you."

She wanted to break down in tears, this was terrible. Who was this man? This wasn't the Leo that she knew.

This was some sick stranger.


(Y/n) looked away from the plant she'd been examining. Leo had decided to give her some space, and after she searched the room and finding no way out she used her time to check if they'd been looking after the plants correctly. To her surprise, they were all in remarkably good condition.

Atlas was in the process of quickly shutting the door behind him as he had awful visions of (Y/n) slipping through the open door and him being unable to stop her.

"Atlas..." Her voice was shaky and more fearful than he would've liked.

"Leo s-said he talked t-to you."

(Y/n) nodded.

"He... He also said you see-seemed upset."

"You kidnapped me... I'm gonna be pretty fucking upset." She mumbled while turning back to tend to her plants once more.

Atlas sniffed, he didn't want to cry in front of (Y/n) again but her sadness made him so miserable. "I hope they're all okay. I d-did my best to l-look after them..." He said while gesturing vaguely towards the potted plants.

"You did a good job." She said monotonously. It pained her to compliment him but they were all very healthy.

A smile managed to form on Atlas's face at her praise. "Oh, my fl-flower, I l-love you."

(Y/n) shivered, the sweet words unsettled her more than anything.

Atlas saddened at her visual uncomfortableness, he only wanted to make (Y/n) happy like she made him.

love, from indigo ((yandere x reader))Where stories live. Discover now