XL- home at last (reprise)

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(a/n) : This chapter is sort of short - I'm very sorry! There have been some complications in my personal life but all is okay for now.

I hope you all still enjoy this chapter and thank you so much for reading :)

-L.T. May

She was still completely out on the drive back to Atlas's house. (Y/n) was laying across the seats in the back with her head resting on Atlas's lap as Leo drove.

Atlas's pale fingers caressed her hair and face delicately as he stared down at (Y/n)'s sleeping figure intently.

"Drive s-slower." He said, growing anxious every time the movement of the car would cause (Y/n)'s body to jolt in the slightest.

"I can't go any slower." Leo sighed out. "There are other people on the roads and we need to get back before (Y/n) wakes up."

Leo glanced in the rear view mirror to look at (Y/n), he smiled softly when he saw her and then put his eyes back on the road.

"Indigo said she wouldn't b-be awake for-for hours." Atlas started to loosely braid a few strands of (Y/n)'s hair.

"Yeah... I don't really trust Indigo all that much..."

"Why not?" Atlas asked sharply.

Leo rolled his heterochromatic eyes. "You know why."

"She's m-my sister..." Atlas mumbled. "I know her bet-better than you do... We wouldn't-t even ha-have (Y/n) if it wasn't for her."

"And I'm grateful for her for that, but I don't think we should take everything she says at face value... That's all."

Atlas neglected to answer and went back to paying all his attention to (Y/n). She looked so peaceful just laying there, he hoped she would use him as her pillow again in the near future.

He wondered if she was dreaming of him as she slept, he dreamt of her every night after all. The sun was beginning to rise in the sky as morning was fast approaching.

Atlas was just pleased to not only have (Y/n) back but he'd also seen Indigo again! It was difficult to properly appreciate his sister with getting (Y/n) and all but he still loved Indigo a lot and hoped that it wasn't the last he'd see of her.

While Leo didn't have quite so positive feelings about Indigo he was still glad that he saw her again if only because he stole his jacket back. Well, it wasn't really stealing since it actually belonged to him. But much like how Atlas felt with his sister, Leo used to be so fixated on this one thing but now (Y/n) overshadowed that completely.

He knew there was going to be a transitional period and it was going to be hard but Leo was sure that (Y/n) would love him back, he didn't much care for what went on between her and Atlas. If she loved him too- fine, and if she didn't- also fine.

They were growing closer to home and the tension was building up, they wouldn't let (Y/n) get away again. No, instead they would give her reasons to stay.

"Is she okay?" He asked in concern.

"Still asleep." Atlas hummed, he stroked her cheek lovingly. "She's s-so pretty... Do y-you think she'll be upset when we ge-get home?"

"Um... Probably, but she won't be upset forever. We just need to make sure she knows we won't hurt her and that everything we do comes from a place of love." Leo said, he knew that Atlas was slightly more delusional than himself so would likely take her inevitable rejection harder.

"Y-yeah, but she'll l-love us after like... A few days or something, r-right?" Atlas asked nervously.

Leo winced. "It might take a bit longer than that... It's hard to say but we just need to be nice even if she's acting more cruel than usual."

"(Y/n) isn't cr-cruel!"

"I know, but if she's mad at us then she might-"

"And I would never be a-anything but nice to (Y/n)!"

Leo sighed, he gave up on trying to reason and decided to just allow Atlas have a very rude awakening once (Y/n) came to. "Of course."

Indigo was sat on the couch as she contemplated how else she could meddle in this. She had recieved a text from her parents a while ago about some anniversary dinner that was coming up. Perhaps she could find out more information about it from Atlas.

Whatever she did she wanted to create a whole lot of agony for all involved.

A small smile adorned her lips as she lay back on the couch, a small laugh left her.

"Oh, this'll be fun." She breathed out between chuckles.

love, from indigo ((yandere x reader))Where stories live. Discover now