XVII- warmth

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(Y/n) had her hand pressed to her heart. She was sure it had never beaten this fast in her life. Needless to say she was in a state of intense panic.

"(Y/n)! M-my flower!"

"Please come out and we'll make you so happy, you have nothing to be afraid of!"

Her eyes squeezed shut, the door was getting weaker with every hit it suffered and every call out made her heart beat all the faster. (Y/n) wiped the tears that were running all over her face.

She had known about both Atlas and Leo's interest in her prior to now but this obsessive behaviour had come out of seemingly nowhere.

She thought back to her past interactions with both of them. Should she have seen this coming? Was there really anyway for her to know this was going to happen?

Well, yes.

She probably should have seen this coming.

(Y/n) was enjoying the midday sun before she'd have to go home and get some sleep before work. She was aimlessly wondering about town, soaking up the nice weather.

She had expected the uneasiness she had felt in her house to leave her once she was outside but it prevailed.

The reason for the prevalence was most definitely because Atlas was hot on her tail. He'd taken the day off work just to watch (Y/n) for longer. And it was absolutely worth it, she was so cheerful just walking around.

How badly Atlas wanted to rush up to (Y/n)'s side and hold her hand so he could walk beside her, it was a desire far too insatiable to express. But he couldn't act on it... Or could he?

It wouldn't be totally unbelievable for him to bump into her and then maybe they could go somewhere together, like the gardens, or the café... It would be like a date!

Her directionless walking didn't give Atlas many clue as to where she'd be heading next so he kept following her subtly for a little longer whole he thought about how to get ahead of her.


He stopped dead in his tracks and looked ahead in worry to see (Y/n) staring straight at him.

"H-hi, (Y/n)... O-oh wow- I-I didn't notice it was you." Atlas wished he could be more confident around her instead of melting the very moment she made eye contact with him. He couldn't help it! When those glimmering (e/c) eyes locked onto his he can't focus on anything else in the whole world.

"I thought you were at work?"

To Atlas's pure relief (Y/n) seemed more curious by his appearance than scared. Good. He never wanted (Y/n) to fear him.

"I t-took the day off... S-such nice weather." He stammered. (Y/n) smiled a smile that filled his heart with joy, not only did it confirm her belief in his lie but Atlas thought that (Y/n)'s smile was by far the most beautiful sight on earth. The whole universe in fact, he didn't need to see anything else to know it was true. It warmed him more than the sun and shine much brighter too. Her smile was perfect. She was perfect.

"Yeah, we've been getting a lot of the sun recently." (Y/n) agreed.

Atlas rocked back and forth on his feet happily and nodded. He had said something she approved of! He was making her smile! That beautiful smile... It was because of him.

"Are you heading anywhere? I was just going on a walk before I need to get home and go to bed." (Y/n) said. "You can join me if you want."

Atlas's blue eyes widened and his cheeks turned pink. "U-um, yes, I would l-l-love to." (Y/n) stayed still so Atlas could catch up to her. He was at her side in an instant. "Where are you, um, are y-you headed?"

"Nowhere in particular." (Y/n) set off, this time with Atlas walking alongside her. "Sometimes I wish I didn't have a night job, I miss so much of the day." She sighed.

"Well, with a day job you're in-inside the whole day anyway."

"I guess you're right... Sometimes I think it would be nice to work outdoors, be a gardener or something... I don't know." She said vaguely as they walked off.

"Y-you want to be a gardener?"

"I took a horticulture class in college, I got interested and I could do it but first I'd need to make up a portfolio and I don't have a huge garden right now." She laughed to herself a bit. "It's actually pretty tiny."

Atlas nodded understandingly, while he hadn't seen her garden because it was on the back side of her apartment he could only imagine it was quite small. He wanted to cry out that his garden was large enough for her and if she lived with him then she could do whatever gardening she liked and make up a portfolio. He'd support her to the ends of the earth and make sure (Y/n) was the most respected gardener in her field.

"For now I'm just making some money in retail until I have enough to start perusing what I want to do." (Y/n) elaborated. "You're in design, right?"

"Mhm, I do designing at an advertisement firm so, I, um aha, I don't mind it. I like design so it's a-alright."

"When I went to your house I thought your interior design was really cool, so it's good that your putting that talent to use."

Atlas laughed nervously and his face heated up again as it embarrassingly often did around (Y/n). Not only did she like his house but she thought he was talented! "Thanks." He kept his thank you brief to avoid becoming more of a stuttering mess than he already was from the intense flattery.

love, from indigo ((yandere x reader))Where stories live. Discover now