thank you + announcement

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Thank you so much for reading this book through to the end! I very much hope you enjoyed it.

Usually at this point I'd announce something about my next book but I cannot guarantee when my next book will be uploaded.

In recent days, my mother died and I'm trying to figure out how I can go to her funeral. She was living in my home country and it's very difficult for me to get there. I fear that I won't be able to attend at all.

Some may know that what happened prior to the events of a different book of mine (dancing through the fire) are taken from my own childhood and my rocky relationship with my mother is no exception.

She struggled with drugs for a long time but had been sober for a while up until her death.

To avoid oversharing, I'm going to stop here. My heart is broken and I'm not in the right space to write at the moment. I am truly sorry.

I can't say for sure when I'll begin uploading again but I promise that I will return and that this isn't the last of this account. I have so many ideas I want to share with you all and as soon as I feel able to I will start writing again!

Wishing you all so much love.

-L.T. May

(I will still try to respond to messages if I can. Thank you all for your patience.)

love, from indigo ((yandere x reader))Where stories live. Discover now