XXXI- hijacked

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(Y/n) was still trying to calm her ragged breathing as Aiden sped down the highway, he was now cruising at the speed limit as opposed to when they first drove away and he was easily twenty miles per hours above.

She had just finished explaining what was going on, still trying to process it all herself.

"Call the cops." He said quite bluntly once she was done.

"I left my damned phone in the store... And anyway I don't have any evidence. The cameras were off, they didn't even touch me. I wouldn't even be able to get a restraining order at this point. And even if I could get them in jail I've got them for what? Conspiracy to kidnap? They'll easily pay whatever low bail they get and then I'm screwed." (Y/n) sighed and leaned back into the slightly scratchy seat of the car. "I just need to stay away from them and wait until they do something that I can actually prove and get them put away for."

"Okayyy." Aiden sounded bored if anything.

"Where are you driving?" (Y/n) asked, hoping it was somewhere far away.

"Uh, stranger danger much?"

"I'm in your car, man! Just tell me."

Aiden rolled his eyes. "My cousin's. We're like two hours away."

(Y/n) nodded, it wasn't quite as far as she would've liked but it'll buy her some time.

"Just saying I can't let you squat at my cousin's place, he'll kick you out." Aiden clarified.

"It's fine, I wasn't expecting you to give me a place to stay." She clicked her tongue in irritation. "Can I borrow some money though? I left all my shit in the store."

"Dude, I'm sixteen." Aiden groaned.

"What about your cousin? Does he have any money, just for a few nights in a motel until I can get a loan or something? I'll pay him back."

Aiden shrugged. "You can ask him."

She ran a hand through her (h/c) hair, this was all stressing her out to the highest degree. She wanted to go back to her parents or friends' house but she couldn't be sure of just how deeply Atlas and Leo knew her life.

"You can see if your bank can help you out with some money?" Aiden suggested.

"I don't know... I don't want them to be able to see where I am from my withdrawals."

"Shit, just how tech savvy do you think these guys are?"

"I don't know, Aiden. But I don't really want to take my chances right now." She snapped, growing tired of his attitude.

"Calm down... Jeez."

Most of the car ride was silent and consisted of (Y/n) staring out of the window as she contemplated her future while Aiden kept his eyes in the road.

"Hey, um, (Y/n)?"


"Don't hate me."

(Y/n) looked at Aiden and saw he had a guilty grin in his face.

"What did you do?" She frowned.

"Nothing! We just need to get some gas."

"Oh." (Y/n)'s nervousness decreased a bit. "That's fine, let's just make it quick."

He nodded and pulled over into the next gas station. Aiden pulled out some cash and handed it to (Y/n).

"What's this? I thought you didn't have any money?" She said in confusion.

"Not enough for a motel room, I've got enough for beer."

"Oh right." (Y/n) guiltily rubbed the nape of her neck, feeling bad for buying alcohol for someone underage. Then again, it was only beer. At least he wasn't drinking neat spirits.

"Can you get that while I fill my car up?" He asked.

(Y/n) looked over her shoulder, still feeling paranoid even though there was practically no way for Atlas and Leo to have caught up to them.

Terrible scenarios ran through her head. What if they had a tracker on her? What if they memorized Aiden's license plate? What if Aiden was somehow working with them?

Okay... She doubted the last one since Aiden was a pretty dumb kid and didn't seem like he was lying but there was still a lot of things that could go wrong for her.

(Y/n) stepped out of the car and walked into the store, it looked basically like 𝑺𝒐𝒍'𝒔 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝑺𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒆 with a few slight differences.

The alcohol was all behind the counter so she went straight up to the cash desk. "Hey." She greeted the cashier.

He nodded back to her as a greeting and looked at her expectantly.

"Just a six pack of light beer please." (Y/n) stated politely.


(Y/n) touched her pocket but then remembered that she had literally nothing on her.

"I actually don't have it on me right now, but I am twenty-two." She plastered a fake smile over her face to try and entice him into selling it to her.

"Sorry, miss, but I can't sell you any alcohol unless you can prove you're over the age of twenty-one." The cashier sighed.

(Y/n) empathised with him as she'd been in his position many times but she was now also feeling the frustration of someone on the other end.

"Listen, man... Does this change your mind?" She slid two notes across the counter and the cashier narrowed his eyes at them.

"I don't accept bribes... Expecially if they're six dollars."

"Shit." (Y/n) whispered under their breath. She took the money back and pinched the bridge of her nose. "I'm really sorry for wasting your time."

Aiden then entered to pay for the gas, he looked over to (Y/n) with wide eyes and she shook her head to indicate that she couldn't get him the beer.

"Anything else?" The cashier asked as he worked out Aiden's total.

"Uh, yeah... Can I get a six pack of light beer?"


Aiden reached into his pocket and pulled out the poorly made fake ID he'd previously tried on (Y/n). She almost scoffed as he handed it over.

The cashier looked at the laminated photo of Aiden and then his name written below in comic sans as well as his date of birth being sited in 1971. He glanced between Aiden and the photo and handed back the ID.

"Seems legit."

(Y/n)'s mouth fell open and Aiden shot her a smug smile as the cashier got the beer from behind him.

"Is that all?"

"Yep." Aiden handed his money over and couldn't stop smiling as he and (Y/n) left the store.

love, from indigo ((yandere x reader))Where stories live. Discover now