Chapter 15

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Where is she?
Rascal slumped into the couch and sighed. Chloe was back by now and was making him a cup of tea. Tea always tasted nice, it was bitter but was hot as well. Reassuring . " Where's Jinx?" Chloe called from the kitchen." Library,"
" No, the library closed half an hour ago, it's four now ." Chloe panicked.
" Maybe I should-" Rascal's phone received a text from Jinx just then. At a friend's hose. One more hour. I'll be home. He sighed. "Something is going on. Chloe, where is she?"
" Friend's house! You do worry sometimes." Chloe shook her head. He really did worry too much. "Jinx is fourteen, I'm sure she can handle a bus ride!"
" You're right," He smiled.
Ezra told them everything. He was pained by truth as horrible thoughts and memories flashed in his head. He spilled- aware he was talking too fast for them to hear properly but they seemed to get the gist of things. Rachel was really upset by this news but agreed it figures. " Candy? Can I get Ezra's dad back if I am a pre cure?"
" It depends on who we're dealing with , in this case it seems to be the other Mercenares but their may be others. I know who attacked Jubiland the other day was NOT  a Mercenare, he was younger and did not have bat wings or blue hair," Ezra looked at the floor. " If I saw what happened does that mean I had a vision?" The others thought for a while, and concluded. " I guess so, I very much doubt it was a dream," Rory flew up straight in the air and hovered slightly above the coffee table. " This could be useful,"
" If I became a Glitter Force warrior, what could my mission be, this mysterious terrorist in Jubiland or Ezra's dad, whichever comes first I suppose," Candy looked at Jinx's watch, indicating it was time to leave. " I'd better go,"
Ezra held her arm, "Can you come back tomorrow?"
" I'll try , damn my dad's calling! Bye !" She shut the door. " No speaking to mom and dad about this Candy. You're going to be my little secret," Candy nodded Seriously and pouted." Yes Mam!"
They crawled back through the fence and opened the door. He dad hugged her hard." Where have you been?!" Then he smiled really wide and Jinx had to stuff Candy into her backpack at she wouldn't be seen. " I'm going to my room!" She called over her shoulder as she ran up the stairs.
Nix kicked her legs boredly. Nothing was happening apart from her brain working too hard and it hurt . It really did. Hox was sat across from her eating a bag of chips. " Hey! I want some!" She sprung up from the wooden bench and snatched the bag. " Ewwwwww! Why Prawn Cocktail!" She pored the bag on his hair and smiled. " Now I can think properly!!!" She jumped up and down. It was clear all the hard work had made her kiddish and VERY annoying, so Hox decided to think for himself. That was when he had and idea. A good one too! But it would have to wait for tomorrow. It was late now and he had chips in his hair. He should probably take a shower...

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