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The Library Of Legends

Chloe soon found herself in the middle of a meeting with the ex- Glitter Force associates discussing the matter of Rascal and how to endure the situation.

" This better be good Chloe,I met a guy on Tinder and he's very interested in me!" April folded her arms.

" Chloe,we have lives now. Plus,the shop was really busy and my boyfriend is behind the till. I don't want to leave him there any longer than I have to." Emily told he ,nodding her head.

" This is important girls. It isn't a matter of a fling with a boy or anything like that. Rascal is alive.He's in my house right now and seems awfully genuine. I think he was asking for a ,errmmm, second chance?" Kelsey looked disgusted .

"Listen, Rascal is just-evil . Nothing to it. You can't just say he seems genuine,you have to know it ." Lily said reproachfully.

" I feel like I can trust him, I really do,"

" Chloe . Just because you like him doesn't mean you can trust him,I mean,who here trusts Rascal. How many times exactly has he pulled a dirty card trick on us?"

" April, this is different .I promise you."

" It isn't exactly a secret that you have a crush on him. He's always flirted with you and you can't exactly deny it .Get a grip! You're an adult now!" Kelsey ranted.

" I came here for your opinion , not for you to question my choices on what to do in my situation. We've all done things we shouldn't have done but we were always forgiven , why not give Rascal a second chance?"

" Chloe's right, we all have flaws and we have been accepted for them so it's only fair to give him a break, he wants to turn it around ,not stab us in the back!" Lily exclaimed, gesturing towards Chloe.

" Whatever, just don't come crying to me when your boyfriend acts up again - actually maybe you won't even have the chance to do that."

" Kelsey ,that was a little bit rude, " But Kelsey had already disappeared through the bookcase. Emily glanced at April and she shrugged. Lily smiled.

" Decision made ? "

" Yeah, Chloe its your life. Kelsey can't change that." Emily too disappeared through the wall , shortly followed by Kelsey and April. Chloe,on her own left shortly after that with her decision playing on her mind.

" I just hope I made the right one ," She said ,disappearing into the wall herself.

Thanks for reading guys I really like to have people read my work . I am also open to new ideas so if you have any more comment and I will read them and hopefully get them into my work, thanks ,

Lollywoll Xx

P.S the next chapter is called Getting To Know You.


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