Chapter 12

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Bad idea
"Candy. You pop up from no-where . I don't think this is a good idea in telling my parents about you . I don't think this is a good idea."
" Awwwwwwwww," Candy moaned."maybe you're right Jinx. This needs to be kept a secret. But then again, your mom is Glitter Breeze . Maybe I should-"
" No. " she opened the gate to her house and stepped inside. Her mind was made up. "I can't risk putting my parents out in the frey. It isn't right. If I do become a Glitter Force member then it is best they do not know." She sat on the grass with Candy on her knee. The little pixie sighed.
" Who are you talking to?" Jinx whipped around and her neck twinged. Sat on the other side of the picket fence was the boy from English. Ezra. " Myself," Jinx ignored him but he grabbed her pony-tail through the crack. " Jinx. I'm not dumb. I can see you have something on your knee . If you don't want to talk to me about today I'll explain I took the mick because, well , I like you." he blushed and Jinx felt sorry for him. Maybe she did like him.she should give him a chance at least. " I didn't know you lived next door! Well yes,you caught me . I play with plushies." she held out Candy and pretended to be coy. " Nice try. And, nice pixie. You look like Rory." He smiled and swung the panel in the picket fence sideways." Come on over if you want. " she held the squirming pixie tighter and looked at her for reassurance. " You look familiar. Do I know you?" Candy jumped through the hole before Jinx could stop her.
" Well, you may know of my mom if you're working with the All Stars. She's Glitter Diamond." He grinned.Then looked at Jinx warily. " No. You look like, like - Ira Mercenare! Jinx!" Candy backed away from Ezra and into Jinx's hand. " Candy, what are you on about?"
" My dad isn't home!" Jinx just stared puzzled at Ezra's comment but came through the gap ." Ira who?"
" Ira Mercenare is my dad. He used to be an enemy of the Glitter Force but not anymore. He married my mom eventually and made peace .Promise . " He smiled sadly and sighed. " But he doesn't even live here anymore, he went missing just after I turned five. " He sighed. Jinx reached for his hand and squeezed it comfortingly." Sorry Ez. I didn't know. Candy , it isn't very nice of you to judge people on who they look like and their parents. I trust Ezra. You have to trust me too." Candy apologised and bowed her head . Ezra led them to the front door of his house but walked round the back instead. " Follow this way. I'll get my mom . Then maybe if you want some answers she and Rory- her pixie will tell you." He smiled and rapped on the door. " Hello? Oh Ezra .A-and Jinx? You can come in ,"Rachel Mercenare opened the door wide and they stepped in. God I hope I don't slip up in front of Ezra and his mom. That would be so embarrassing! Rachel gestured for her to sit down on the couch- which was very comfy. " So?" She enquired " what do you want to know?"

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