Final Preface

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Getting To Know You

" Oh good,you're back. So then , how'd it go?" Rascal asked her as soon as she arrived back in her bedroom.

" Let me get you a cup of tea first then I'll put the noodles on. I'll tell you in a bit," Rascal nodded his head slowly. Uh oh ,not a good sign. Looks like I'm not going to get closer to her, this is a little- awkward. He thought.

Chloe left the room to get the tea ready so Rascal had a few minutes alone to himself. This was not exactly going as planned. I don't think she trusts me , to be honest that's understandable. After all,I did pretty much try to kill her so I suppose that is normal. He began to feel a little depressed but shook it off ,shivering. Who wants to collect that stuff anyway, all it does is destroy the universe. Oh ! Why did I have to do that ?

" Rascal , I got your tea here , come on. Let's talk now. The noodles should be alright for a bit longer." 

" Sure ," he shuffled over onto the edge of the couch to let Chloe sit down. She smiled beautifully and Rascal was pretty much drooling. He slapped his face.

Wake up !

" The meeting went well . Some were for and some against but they couldn't change my final decision," Rascal's eyes widened.

" You're staying ," A tear slid down his cheek. He smiled a watery smile and hugged her. Chloe hesitated , but hugged him back.

" You never cry - why cry now ?"

" B-Because no- one has ever shown me this much kindness before , not even my own parents." Chloe looked shocked. Rascal never mentioned anything about his life before and now he was spilling his secrets to her openly.He was acting very strange.

" Your parents ? You've never mentioned them before. Is this a little hard for you to talk about ? " Chloe held his hand and he sobbed into her . She blushed.

" You like me don't you? "

" Maybe . " He wiped his tears from his face .

" Here ," she said , passing him a tissue . " Well ,maybe I like you too ."Chloe blushed yet again and Rascal smiled weakly.

"Come on , the noodles will be ready now !" She hugged him hard and pulled him up .

" Chloe ," He said and kissed her on the lips .

And that was when the problems started...

Thanks for reading !

P.S  chapter 1 will be called Jinxed 1

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