Chapter 14

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Dad, is that you?

Ezra's POV
All I could see was darkness and it felt like I was floating. I couldn't see anyone or anything and my head felt fuzzy and confused. Then there was a flash of something behind my eyelids. It was a man with icy blue hair and olive eyes he was sat on the grass at the park." Dad, Is that you?" I screamed but no-one could hear me. I just kept watching as the image played like a tape. He sat up suddenly and a woman appeared in front of him. " Marmo." He growled." Stay out of this or things will get messy," He threatened and clenched his fists. She just laughed." Poor Ira. He is too weak to understand that I am already in his family business. Also, It seems you will have to come with me and Bel now that we are making new plans , you are weak to love a member of the Glitter Force." She snarled.
" You can't make me!" He yelled and ran at her but she simply held him back . He struggled but failed to move and inch."Marmo!" He screamed but she drew herself down to his level." Try teleporting away from this one,"
He struggled and clicked his fingers , nothing happened." Nice try. Bel taught me that one. Lucky he isn't a rat anymore huh?"Then she punched him hard in the gut and he fell over , groaning in agony.
" If you do anything to-" I couldn't bare it. I wanted to look away but I was drawn to the moving images playing in my head. I wanted to break away but I had to know the truth...
" I want nothing to do with your family Ira, trust me. Too bad you won't get to say goodbye!"  Dad screamed as she dragged him up by the side of his jacket. His arm was all wonky and she was laughing.She didn't care.Then they both disappeared. I felt like the truth was a bullet an it had shot me In the chest. My chest hurt badly when suddenly I felt the darkness fade and I was back to the light.
Jinx's POV
Rachel was calling 911 for an ambulance while we sat in horror "I think he's having a seizure," she told the nurse on the phone. " Wait, I think he's waking up , Wait a second!" Ezra looked terrified and pale. He was repeating one word over and over. Dad. I wasn't sure what to say as it was only today Candy had asked him about Ira but I bet he thought about him all the time." What is it Ezra? Tell us come on!" Rory held his hand and shook it gently, " Dad..." then he began to explain. Rachel looked really upset and I didn't really want to intrude on a family moment but he needed help . He looked mentally scarred. " Ezra, what happened?" But he just looked at the floor and shook his head slowly, traumatized.

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