Chapter 10

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You have to be kidding me !
"This is my stop, I guess," The automatic doors steamed shut behind her and Jinx walked the next hundred meters to the library. It was a tall and bleak building , but was filled with colourful pages of literature on the inside . The stained steps leading to the automatic doors had made her trip many times before and scraped knees were not the best memories.
The only reason she was here was so she could try and find out what her parents were hiding from her. The large doors closed behind her when she stepped through them . This place seems pretty empty . There's hardly anyone here. Only a girl about her age in a red leather jacket and a woman with a silk top were behind the checkout counter , and the woman was eying her beadily. This is weird . Jinx shook the feeling away quickly and smiled at her instead. She smiled back hurriedly , and even through the stupid grin , any fool could tell it was fake and forced."feel free to browse," Jinx nodded and made her way to the back of a science-fiction aisle. She knelt down and started looking at random titles - well ,maybe her mom had wrote an innapropriate book and didn't want it found. So she made her
way to the adult romance section. After a few minutes of skimming titles, something caught her eye-and it wasn't a book either. A small and popcorn-like ball of fluff was wiggling around in the shelf's recesses . Jinx tried to reach for it but it disappeared. She swiped left and a pink curtain of light appeared and then moved to the right.So she swiped that way too. It then moved to the bottom shelf where the popcorn ball was waving about. She parted the books and the light grew bigger and bigger until all she could see was pink glow. Her head spun and she felt like her body was weightless. Then she thudded onto the hard earth.
"Where the hell am I ?" she wiped the dirt from her school uniform . Her legs wobbled when she rose but supported her . There was a thick wall of book shelves containing dusty volumes. Toadstools were dotted here and there and a small house was at the centre. Jinx thought it would be wise to check it out and she opened the door carefully. Inside she found a table with a book laying open at a place. She turned the cover over and found it was called' The History Of The Glitter Force ' . It was a picture book so she thought it would be fun to flick through. The first few pages had been ripped out - she realised but the next showed two sides, good and evil battling against each other with plushies running and screaming with some dodgy characters hovering here and there.Then there was some plushie flying about and a girl with pink hair. The next page was the same girl as a warrior and four others with words inked, glitter somebody and so on , so on. The last one looked kinda familiar and it said her name was 'Glitter Breeze'. This book is really messed up. Jinx turned to the next page and saw the glitters fighting in large craters with the opposite side and the next page showed they clearly won. The rest was a load of stuff which Jinx skipped and flipped to the next page. More glitters were shown but they looked evil and their was this other dude in a mask in the sky - also a bit familiar.The good glitters were failing to win and the bad ones were in their face and the dude seemed satisfied .Until the next page which showed him being melted by the evil king on the first page who later got hugged by the pink glitter followed by the rest who must have won over the bad glitters. Wow. The last page was really weird and struck Jinx like a blow to the head . It portrayed all the glitters as normal girls hugging each other but crying at the same time as the plushies flew away. The 'Glitter Breeze 'was on the end - and Jinx realised it was her mother. She gasped and dropped the book. It started to glow and another page began coloring itself in. It was her looking through the pages and it read- hello Jinx. She screamed and ran out of the door panting and shrieking. This book may seem weird but it was definitely her mom in the picture. The way it just drew her was really disturbing and she fell on her knees. " Who are you ? " a squeaky voice inquired. She looked around and gasped." You have to be kidding me!"

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