Chapter 11

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Lamb- thingy
" Who are you?" A plushie lamb repeated. Jinx just stared.then inhaled deeply. " Why should I tell a lamb- thingy that can talk?"
" I can tell you my name. I am Queen Candy of Jubiland. I don't know how you got in here but you do remind me of someone I knew."
" I'm Jinx Rose." That was when the lamb shot into the air and squealed about her mom . "Chloe ! You know Chloe ! Tell her I am here please ! I am soooooooo happy!!!!!! "The plush appeared to be having a fit so she carefully moved away. " If Chloe is your mom and your name is Rose that must mean your parents are not married. " Candy looked confused.
"My parents are married it is just my dad doesn't have a last name." Candy opened her mouth and closed it again . "Who is your dad?"
" His name Rodney.He's thirty - six , but what's it to you?And who are the other people - the other glitters?"
Candy suddenly turned into a girl and stuck a finger on her chin. Then she yelled." CAN I MEET HIM?"
" Definitely a dream . " she pinched herself hard to see if she was asleep. It didn't work." This one stubborn dream," Jinx slapped her forhead hard but nothing happened, just pain . Candy smiled happily and held Jinx by the wrist. " Wait a minute, you're that plush from the book in that house."
"Yep , that's me! " Candy did a little dance and jumped up into the air , turning back into a lamb." Correction, Jinx Rose, I am not a plush , I am a pixie !" then she giggled and spun around. " Do you know about the Glitter Force ?"
" Actually, no . I was hoping you'd tell me about it ," Candy suddenly became very serious and stared hard at Jinx .
" Yes. But you mustn't tell anyone unless the Force is ever used again. That means you and four others must fight for the safety of Jubiland . And it looks like it could be a possibility now. Only girls can be in the Glitter Force so any boys- no. If you do , you will need a glitter pact . Do you know what that is ?"
" What do you mean I might have to fight ?! I can't ! Candy you make no sense ! I don't know what you're on about!" Jinx tensed up . What . That book is actually telling the truth. Of course! It drew her-By itself.
" Candy come back to my house. Then I can finally get some answers. Ermmmm. Can you get me out of here?"

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