Chapter 12: Ein Rebirth

Start from the beginning

Ein's POV*

I was using my Moon Sonata bow for archery training.

I hit each mark precisely and when a spear was thrown at me I dodged it and landed gracefully.

One of my fellow warriors charged at me but I hit her in the face with Moon Sonata.

I noticed someone about to fire at me but I chucked Moon Sonata at her knocking her to the ground.

My teacher came to try and strike me down and during our sword fight, I lost my blade.

I crossed my Magical Seals and sent out a magical energy shockwave sending my teacher flying.

After it was done everyone was looking at me with judgemental stares.

I used my power to teleport away to the edge of the island.

I looked out at the distance and I soon enough heard a whirring sound.

I looked over and saw an airship of some sort come through the islands invisible barrier and crash in the water.

It took a moment but I teleported over to the crashed airship and pulled the knocked out pilot out of the ship and teleported us to the shoreline where I set her down.

She coughed as she woke up and she looked up at me with awe.

She said, "Wow.".

She looked around and asked, "Where are we?".

I said, "Apakros.".

She asked,​​ "Apak-what?".

I asked, "Who are you?" before we looked out to see the massive airships accompanied by smaller airships coming through the barrier.

She stood up and said, "I'm one of the good guys and those are the bad guys.".

I got up and asked, "What?".

She said, "The White Fang. Come on, we need to get out of here.".

I asked, "The White Fang?".

Queen Mary hurried over on horseback with some guards and said, "Ein! Step away from her, now!" before looking out at our enemies.

Queen Mary said, "Ready your bows!" and my Female Pilot friend asked, "They have guns, right?".

We both hurried off and hid behind some rocks while my guardians fired on The White Fang and The White Fang shot back.

The White Fang came to shore.

It soon turned into a battle between my guardians and The White Fang.

My Female Pilot friend said, "Stay there!" and took out a White Fang soldier and stole their gun.

I killed a few of them with lightning attacks from my right hand.

Queen Mary killed two White Fang soldiers.

My teacher took a bullet for me and I shouted, "No!" and I made my way to her side.

After the battle was done Queen Mary said, "You.".

I said, "No... No Queen Mary no. She fought at our side against the invaders.". ​​​

One of my guardians asked, "What kind of person fights against her own people?".

My Female Pilot friend said, "These aren't my people.".

A Little Later*

One of my guardians but their hands on my Female Pilot friend which would compel her to tell the truth.

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