17] •I love you!•

Start from the beginning

Amy:- Oh, no... it's just... I wanted us to have dinner together.

Did she just say 'US'

'Taehyung, focus... Don't make it so obvious. Don't look at her so much.'

She got a lot of food on the table. She's a good cook though. I was still busy looking at her. The way she was walking, that dress was making me way crazier than I was.

Amy:- I hope you like whatever I've made, let's start, shall we?

I blushed a little.

Taehyung:- Yeah.

There was a lot of silence between us because I didn't know what to say anyway. I wanted to apologise though.

Taehyung:- Hey, I...I just wanted to tell you... That I'm... I'm sorry about this morning... I shouldn't have acted that way...

She looked up and smiled. I still couldn't believe how was she happy, I thought she might be mad at me or wouldn't talk to me but it's all different.

Taehyung:- Ummm, the dinner's really good. Thanks a lot for it.

Amy:- That's okay, I'm happy you liked it.


The dinner was over and I was still not comfortable with her, I wanted things to be fine between us. I didn't want to feel nervous around her.

I was on leaning on the couch and she came back with a plate in her hand.

Amy:- Taehyung, come here!

I quickly got up to see what she got. It was a chocolate cake and on top, it was written "FRIENDS?"

Amy's POV:-

I was happy he liked the entire plan, he apologized, he liked the dinner as well and he kept looking at me too, well that's what I wanted!

I bought the cake and I hoped he would love it as he did to the dinner and the entire plan but as he looked at the cake, his smile vanished.

He frowned a little. He didn't look convinced, instead, it looked as if he was angry.

Amy:- What....what happened? Is anything wrong? You don't... Like.. chocolate?

He looked at me with those cold eyes. I gulped.

Amy:- Taehyung, what's wrong? Did I do something wrong again? Tell me? I don't want to stay like this with you anymore. I want you to be----

He got angry.

Taehyung:- To be... To be what? Friends? Friends with you? Amy? Do you want to be my friend?

He held me close to him, his hands holding my shoulder and he almost shook me once, he got back to his cold attitude again.

What was wrong?

His grip was tight on my shoulders.

Amy:- I... I just thought maybe... We could have a good... A good start... Tae... Taehyung I'm sorry if something hurts you...

Taehyung:- Hurt? Amy, why do you want to be my friend?

He was loud, I looked at him with watery eyes.

Amy:- What's wrong in it Taehyung?

He suddenly kissed me. It was rough. He was being too harsh. I pushed him aside.

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