27. Is It Summertime Magic?

Start from the beginning

I rub my eyes and stretch out, letting out a big yawn. I was still feeling ill. No fever or anything. Just a sore throat, runny nose, and body aches. I was feeling run down from the events of the past few days. More like ever since we got to this house. I haven't been this busy everyday since I was a freshman in college when I thought I had to go to every party and go out everyday to be cool.

I turn at the sound of the door being opened. It was Harry. He was balancing two coffee cups in his hands as he entered the door. He hadn't noticed that I was awake and staring at him. I can tell he was trying to be as quiet and as careful as he could when he was walked in. He was walking painfully slow, just eyeing the two cups with steam coming out of them. His eyes shift up to mine when I can't hold back a giggle. His whole body straightens.

"I thought you were asleep," he sheepishly says, his cheeks turning a slight shade of pink as he walks closer to me at a normal pace.

"Whatcha got there?" I ask, a smile never leaving my face. He comes over my side and places a cup down. I shift my body up so I can rest my back on the headboard.

"Green tea."

"Why? What does it do?" I playfully ask, mocking him from yesterday. He chuckles and shakes his head at me as he walks around back to his side with his cup.

"Well," he begins, "green tea is great for your immune system and treats cold symptoms."

"Wow," I say, impressed, sliding my fingers through the hard handle of the cup and gripping it tightly, "someone's been doing their research."

He smiles sweetly as he sits next to me. "You're not the only smart one 'round here."

He holds out his cup and we clink together before taking a sip. It was so warm and had a fresh, earthy taste to it. It felt good down my throat.

"How'd you sleep?" He asks.

"Fine," I say, "could barely breath most of the night."

"Same here," he says, his voice still sounding nasally, "I fucking hate being sick."

I nod and drink more tea. I felt a bit worse than yesterday but I believe it's only because my symptoms have fully set in today.

"So the agenda for today: lay here, watch movies, make-out, drink hot chocolate. Anything else?"

I almost spit my drink out. My face and body felt very hot and it wasn't because of the tea. I can feel him looking at me but I just stare straight ahead with a small smile, wanting to hide behind the blankets. I need to be quick with my answer before I faint on the spot.

"Mmm," I say, taking a small sip, deciding to let him down easy, "yes to three of those things.."

"Only three?" He asks, an eyebrow quirked up at me. "I must know what didn't make the cut."

I chuckle at him, wanting to keep him on his toes. "Can we add breakfast to the list?" I ask, ignoring his question. "I'm starving."

"Yes." He lets out a long, dramatic sigh. "Let's go."

We take our cups in our hands as we head downstairs, stealing cheeky glances at each other. Zoey and Louis were the only ones in the kitchen. We hear a bit of their conversation before we make ourselves known.

"No," Zoey says, she's facing Louis, both of them holding a determined face, "because by definition, a hole is an opening, a gap, a hollow place. Therefore, a straw has two holes because there's two openings."

"Your logic is a bit flawed," Louis says and claps his hands, "when you cut a hole on a straw, you're just cutting a long hole in it. Therefore, it only has one hole."

That Summer Feeling [H.S.]Where stories live. Discover now