22. Boys Will Be Boys.. But Girls Will Be Women

Start from the beginning

When I turn with orange juice in my shaky hand, I see Harry holding a spoon full of a sort of orange sauce and then holding it up towards Maggie's face. She basically eats it right out of his hand with a smile on her face and compliments him on his "amazing" cooking skills.

I almost throw up on the spot.

I close the fridge back and walk over to throw Advil in my mouth. Can you take Advil with alcohol? I could use a shot or two just to erase the interaction I just witnessed a few feet away from me. I was so confused and furious all at once.

Just before I can escape this house of horrors, Sierra calls out to me.

"Hey, Lace?"

I stop in my tracks, standing right next to all of them with my drink in my hand. I was gripping it tightly to prevent me from throwing the drink on a certain someone.

"Yes?" I force a tight-lipped smile.

"I think your shirt is inside out?" A few giggles escape their mouth when I look down and see a white tag sticking out where it's not supposed to be.

"Oh." My voice is low and I force a smile.

"Looks a lot like my shirt," Harry says, a slight mocking in his voice.

I look over at him then at the shirt. How the fuck could he tell? It was a fucking plain black shirt. Just because it's fits me a tad big and is his favorite color to wear, doesn't mean that it belongs to him.

I almost thought he was playing around with me but his face says otherwise. I look down at the shirt. It suddenly became very clear to me that I was in fact wearing his shirt. I certainly didn't own this. It fit me more oversized than my other t-shirts and it faintly like his cologne.


"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize," I sincerely tell him, feeling like I was going to burst into flames any second.

"S'fine," he says, looking back down at the stove, "just make sure to wash it before giving it back."

What the fuck did he just say to me?

Am I hearing things correctly?

Do I have a big sign on my forehead that says: 'Fuck With My Feelings!'?!

Sierra and Maggie snicker a bit as I just stood there, completely humiliated and angry by his rude and blunt comment, having to try to contain myself. I couldn't help but to give Harry the dirtiest look as I hold back a scoff and an eye roll.

"I'll drop it off at the dry cleaners just for you, darling." I sarcastically smile at him, using the pet name he calls me against him, before my face drops back to a serious expression.

I feel like I could punch any one of the them in the face so I quickly walk off, the trail of smoke coming out of my ears following. I can't believe that just happened. I don't even know what the hell happened. It all went by so fast.

I could feel the adrenaline pumping in my veins and the air traveling into my lungs quickly as I breathe heavily. I was so angry and annoyed, I could break right through this glass I was holding. I was convinced I was still sleeping and experiencing a nightmare.

I almost spill my juice all over myself when I accidentally bump into Adam in the hall. I was too distracted to look where I was going. I took a sharp exhale when I abruptly stop in my tracks.

"Whoa there," he says backing off a bit and smiling down at me, "watch where you're going, punk."

I know he was joking and I didn't mean to do what I did next but it was like my feelings from this morning's interactions hit me all at once. It had just absorbed and settled in and overwhelmed me to the point where I had no idea how to contain it all.

That Summer Feeling [H.S.]Where stories live. Discover now