Chapter Fifty-Three: I Did Help

Start from the beginning

"No, Ray," Jessica presses her concern. Ray gets up and let's go of Jessica's hand. "Ray!" He looks back at her from the doorway.

"I'm sorry," he says quietly as he walks through the door. "Gideon, don't let her out until we get back," Ray commands regretfully before walking back to the bridge where the team is running through the plan again.

"Ray." Sara turns to him. "I need you watching Thawne so we know if he figures us out."

"Got it," Ray answers as everyone starts walking to their seats.

"How is she?" Rip asks Ray.

"I had Gideon lock her in my room," Ray explains. "I'm afraid she'll try and stop us if she isn't locked up. She's so scared."

"I can tell you don't like this," Rip states.

"No! Not at all," Ray agrees. "But there's nothing else I can do. We need to get the rest of the spear."

"You're right, Raymond." Rip nods his head. "Just... don't let the job push you two apart."

"I won't," Ray answers quickly as they come up into the Vanishing Point. Rip watches Ray for a while and recognizes the way Ray feels. It's the same way he felt when he knew his wife could be in danger as Vandal Savage began to take over the world.

Ray is scared for the one he loves.

"We're here," Sara announces as Gideon lands the Waverider quietly. She gets out of her seat and immediately collects the Legend's fragments of the spear before leading the present team out into the Vanishing Point.

"We're in position," Sara says into the comms as she fiddles with the pieces of the spear. "Ray?"


"Mick?" Sara calls.


"Standby." Sara turns to her group. "Here." She hands out pieces of the spear.

"The pieces of the spear call to each other," Rip explains. "We will be able to use these to locate the pieces in the Legion's possession."

"That's why we're separating into two teams," Sara tells them.

"Mr. Jackson, shall we?" Rip and F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M walk off.

"Are you sure bringing out pieces of the spear was a good idea?" Amaya asks Sara. "If this goes wrong—."

"Then the Legion has the entire spear. So we have to be careful."


Meanwhile in the Waverider, Jessica has shifted, screeching as loud as she can and ramming her heavy body into the door despite Gideon's pleas to stop. She eventually tires and allows herself to slide down onto the floor to rest.

Her breathing is staggered and quick, exhausted by her attempts to escape and save the team. So instead, she whines loudly, hoping Nathan would hear and let her out.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Jessica, but I'm afraid Nathaniel cannot hear you," Gideon informs Jessica. Jessica picks her head off the ground and looks up as if asking Gideon why Nate can't hear her. "He is wearing his headphones and listening to his own music. He can't even hear me."

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