It came as no surprise to Laura that Jasper wasn't there Friday. Most of her weekend was spent doing the project and hanging out with her family. Laura was a little taken back but happy to hear from Eliza that she had messaged Jace about maybe going to see a movie Saturday, and even happier to later hear he'd said yes. Knowing the prom was coming up Laura suggested that Eliza should ask Jace, though her friend didn't totally shoot down the suggestion she also didn't want to ask straight away after just getting a yes to a movie. 

Monday came and brought with it the infamous Forks' rain leaving Laura cursing herself since the only jacket she had was the godforsaken bright red one since she was yet to buy another. Giving into wearing the red jacket she was hit with another unfortunate event when her car refused to start, with her mother already having left Laura quickly texted Tyler who she knew lived closest to her out of her friends. Thankfully he hadn't left for school yet and was cool with picking her up. Waiting in her car until he arrived she jumped slightly when she heard a sudden beep. Putting her hood up she grabbed her bag and quickly raced from her car to Tyler's van. 
"Nice jacket" Tyler commented teasingly as he began to drive. 
"Thanks" Laura smirked, as she shook her wet sleeve at him. 
"Hey, c'mon" he shouted with a chuckle as he pushed her sleeve away. 
"Thanks for the ride. My car was running fine Friday, I text my mom about it already, she said she's going to get someone to check it out" she huffed annoyed. 
"You gonna need a ride home?" Tyler asked 
"If it's not too much trouble?"
"Course not" he assured her with a smile. 

After pulling up to the school the pair raced inside and Laura dreadfully dragged herself to History, she had a day left to finish on the project, but thankfully she already had most of it done. Again she took her lonely seat, though it didn't stay that way for long as she looked up to see Jasper entering the class and as soon as he sat down she spoke. "We had a project" 
"I'm sorry?" Jasper asked.
"A history project, in pairs, I've finished most of it. I said I was okay with being your partner, didn't think you'd be gone the whole week. My fault" she shrugged wanting to let him know about the project, though she wasn't exactly blaming him for her having to do most of the work, after all, she'd been given the option initially to join someone else. 
"I apologise, Edward and I were out of town. I can tell Mr. Reeves to not give me any credit for the work-"
"No it's fine, honestly" she nodded reassuringly. "I already told him you were sick but working on stuff for it from home" 
Jasper's brows rose at her words. "Thank you" he smiled. A lot of people would've been sour in her situation, looking to quickly pass the blame for having to take on the work. "When was it due?"
"Not until tomorrow. If you're feeling up for it, you could work on the finishing touches today?" she suggested with a quirked brow and sideways smirk. A day off from the project would be nice, and she knew that there wasn't much left to be done so Jasper would've been more than capable of finishing it. 
"Least I can do" he smiled charmingly. 
After giving him a rundown of the project so far there was a brief silence as Jasper looked over everything. "How come you and Edward were out of town?" Laura asked, looking to the side at Jasper who's eyes remained on the project information.
"Personal reasons" he answered simply. 
Not wanting to push Laura bit her lip and fell back into silence for a moment before deciding to change the subject. "Rain's pretty bad huh?"
Jasper let out a little chuckle before giving his head a nod. "You said you're from Olympia right? Not exactly the driest place in Washington either" he replied as he finally made eye contact with her again.
"It's not like I'm not used to it,  I just feel like Forks wasn't this rainy when I visited as a kid" she smirked. 
"You visited as a kid?" Jasper asked as he sat back in his chair. 
Laura nodded and began to fiddle with the ring on her finger. "Yeah, my mom is from the reservation originally, so we would spend summers there" she explained.
"Who's we?" Jasper inquired, finding himself wanting to know more about her, a thing he knew Rose would scold him for if she were around. Though he was also now very curious since she mentioned her mother was from the reserve he wondered if perhaps she had an idea about the wolves, or the treaty... or vampires. 
"Me, my mom, my dad, and my brother" she answered. "We stopped visiting though cause my dad got busy with work" she added with a shrug.
Feeling a slight shift in her emotions Jasper lowered his gaze. "I'm sorry about your father" he said, remembering how he'd initially prompted her to reveal his death. 
"Thanks" she said giving a slight smile. "The move to Forks has actually been a big distraction- in a good way. We're all meeting old friends, have stuff to keep us busy, making new friends" Laura missed her father, of course she did. But being in Forks, meeting up with the guys, meeting new friends it was all really helping her to not feel as down about the situation; her mom even seemed a lot happier here. 
"Do you spend much time on the reservation now?" Jasper asked as he began to feel hesitant, wondering how much knowledge she did or didn't possess.
"Uh we visited my aunt and had a welcome back party there on our first day, went to the beach twice... other than that I haven't really hung around there" she shrugged nonchalantly. "Why?"
"Who's your aunt?" Jasper asked, ignoring her question to instead ask his own. 
Laura's brows furrowed as she looked at him, his behaviour seemed off but she decided to answer anyway. "Allison Uley. Sam's her son?" she said, mentioning her cousin since he was closer to their age, perhaps Jasper was more likely to know him.
Nodding his head the bell then rang and Jasper was quick to his feet, just like the first day they'd met. "I'll have the project finished by tomorrow" he assured her gathered his stuff before leaving the class. 
Licking her bottom lip Laura scoffed slightly at his disappearing act, he was acting a little weird, to say the least. 

At lunch Laura tried to keep her eyes away from the Cullen's table, though she was sure she felt their eyes burning into the back of her head. 
"She's a member of the tribe?" Rosalie asked quietly, though had they been at home and not sat at their lunch table, it likely would've been a lot louder. 
"Her mother is, but her family are from Olypmia" Jasper elaborated as he kept his gaze fixated on Laura. 
"So she could know about us?" Emmett asked. "The Quileutes are supposed to keep it a secret, but if she's technically a Quileute..." he trailed off with a shrug. 
"Well if she knows, she can't tell anyone or she breaks the treaty" Edward added trying to be rational with his siblings. "There's nothing to worry about"
Jasper finally broke his stare from the back of Laura's head, "If she does know about us then she doesn't seem to care, but she hasn't hinted at knowing so... I don't think they told her" 
"What's she thinking?" Rosalie asked, turning to look at Edward.
The brunette exhaled heavily, he wasn't going to argue with Rose and so he started trying to read her mind though he knew that it would most likely be of no benefit right now. "She's thinking about the trigonometry question she's doing" he spoke aloud, staring blankly at the table as he focused on her thoughts, though like before he found himself getting drawn in deeper and deeper, struggling to pull out of her mind.
"Edward" Jasper whispered, nudging his brother and watching as Edward blinked back to reality. 
"The last time I tried reading her mind that happened too" he gulped perplexed as he glanced over to her. "I'm gonna stay out of her head" 
"So first you can't read Bella's, and now you struggle to get out of Laura's?" Alice asked just as bewildered as everyone at the table who slowly looked towards the two brunettes. 

Once school had finished Laura made her way with Tyler to his van happy to be heading home. She'd walked right passed the Cullen's car, not looking towards them once, but keeping her eyes straight ahead at Tyler's van. Hoping inside they began to drive as Laura started buckling herself in. Suddenly there was a loud beep, a car had started to pull out from their space, Tyler swerved to avoid them but lost control of his car. "Tyler!" Laura shouted over the screeching tires before suddenly the car came to an abrupt and forceful stop. 

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