Little Mix!

17 0 0

Its only 9 in the morning and you know how the girls are, they need their sleep.

Jades phones start ringing at that exact time.

"Ahh, Why must it ring?,", Jade said.

She got up and went to her phone, which was on the table with all the other girls' phones.

She noticed she had 3 missing calls.

And as she was checking them they were all from Zayn.


She was about to dial her phone when Zayn had beat her to it.

"Hello, Zayn?" As she whispers trying not to wake the girls up.

"Why is he calling me? I am not even awake yet! Oooh!"

"Hello there Jade!"

"Can I ask you why you're calling me in 9 in the morning?" Jade says.

"Oh, Yeah sorry! No one knows about what I am going to tell you, okay? It has to be between us until I tell everyone else, I want to plan a huge surprise to marry her and-," Zayn said.


Oh, wait let me go outside.


"Yeah, please dont tell anyone! Just bring the rest of the girls except perrie and meet me at the one direction studio, yeah?"


"See yah later Zayn!"

"Bye," Zayn says.

As soon as jade went inside the almost to bride wakes up.

"Jade? Why were you outside?" Perrie says.

"Oh, I was talking to Harry! They are busy today," Jade said.

Nice lie Jade, nice lie.

"Oh, Okay! You guys are to cute!," Perrie Says.

Thank you as Jade replies.

"I am sooo TIRED! Like I am not used to waking up this early!," Perrie says.

Yeah I know As Jade replys.

"Oh, baloney!"

"Jade?," As perrie says.

"Oh, My phones about to go dead! Do you know where my charger is?"

"It might be in your room?, Perrie said.

"Oh, yeah, yeah!"

Jade didn't know what time to go so she had to text Zayn.

The message read, Zayn? What time you want us to go over there? I have to think of a plan!

He instantly replied with 1 so Jade knew what to do now.

She has a plan!


GUYS! I Finally finished! But theres more, there will be a part two! (: sorry of its short! I take so long to write and I am sorry for that to :c

Next chapter awaits!


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