Ashtons Side.

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Ashton was in his old room, all content. His mom left it there for him whenever he comes. His cousin walks in. He got mad again.

"Could you knock? What do you want?" As Ashton says.

"Your mom wants you to come in the living room." As his cousin says. Then his cousin left.

Ashton got up from his bed and headed towards the living room.

"Mom, what's up?" (Ashton).

"We're about to eat, so come and sit."

I looked at my like she was crazy. Why would I set near my family that's rude to me? Obviously, I sit down next to her. I obviously obey.
She then goes and walks to the kitchen to set up the food. I sat down for nothing because I then went to the kitchen with my mom to help her set up.

We took a little time to set up but it was finally done.

The table was ready. My family and I were ready to eat.

I do this thing we're I go last after everyone else because I don't like the crowd. So, then I wait.

I don't know why I try to go first. There's the temptation of wanting the food now.

But I wait anyway.

I might as well go and grab my drink.
I grab my drink and head to my seat of the table.

I then wait some more, and FINALLY I can go get my food.

I know that they are rude to me, my family. But, I know they won't touch any of my food so it's okay to leave my drink there.

I then grab myself a plate of the noodles that my mom made and a breadstick.

I then go and sit down to start to eat.

"So, Ashton. We are going on a family trip." As his cousin says.

I put my fork down and look up at my family. Are they crazy? I look towards my mom.

"Are you serious mom?"

My mom had the look of, yes, we are going on a family trip.

I can't believe this. I just can't.



I updated. Finally. Enjoy!

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