Louis Tomlinson

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I don't know or well I don't remember where I put Louis so let's go with this!


Today I get to see my best friend from school, it's been so long really; before I met the boys.

My friend Mason who called me up told me to meet him at this little cafe we have close by so I grabbed my keys and my wallet with my phone and headed out, good thing I was alone and it was REAL nice that the boys could leave me in the car.

The cafe was only like 15 minutes away so a good walk it is.

I somehow always get chilly so I shivered my self tighter so I can be warm.

Today is actually a good day, it's nice out and everyone's having a good walk with their friends it seems like.

All of a sudden I got a call and it was elenour so I answered.


Hey Love, What's Up?

"Nothing, just bored!"

Ah okay! go get un bored! silly!

"But I can't, it's hard! OH MY GOSH! Dance mom's is on! bye louis"

with that she hung up, she's something alright, by the time I was talking to her and got off with her I was at the cafe.

I entered and sat down, I guess mason isn't here yet.

I didn't want to order anything yet because I felt rude so i just got my phone out and went on that

-20 Minutes later-


someone called my name and when I turned around it was mason! he hasn't changed at all!

"Mate! it's been so long!"

I know!

we did that bro hug and sat down where I sat, then started talking about anything to our childhood and what we did now.

we haven't bought anything so we decided on a cup of coffee.

"Have you ever met elenour?"

no no i think i haven't!

"Well you shall meet her one day!"

yes I shall.. have you met lane?

"No I think I haven't either, we should all go out one time!"

yeah, hey I'm coming back next month from a vacation? how about then?

"That will work!"

okay so you up for some soccer ?


We walked back to my house well our house as in the boys and I grabbed my soccer ball then we headed to the park.

the park was like across the street so it was all alright.

Lets go over there, maybe get a game going on?

yeah! as I say

we told the group of guys if they wanted to play and they agreed so it was a three and three person game.

we then kicked the ball and started playing !


what a game that was!

we exchanged numbers for another game again and then left.

Mason had to go so I left and told him that I'll see him later and I decided to go see elenour and kinda surprise her, this will be fun!

All Together In One!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt