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Calums Side!


She turned and faced us and I swear she had this look on her face saying something was wrong!

(Camille) Yeah Hey Guys!

How did you know that were going to be here?

(Camille) Well I was going to call you but then I noticed someone called me and I kept saying hello btw it was ashtons phone and I think he butt dialed me but anyways Im leaving to America In a bit and I wanted to say Bye!

Me and ashton had looks on our faces more like confused ones, Camille! Why are you leaving to america? When? We just met you ? This is not possible!

(Camille) to answer your first question, my sister lives there! My mom found a job over there like her job here offered the biggest job ever for over there and to answer the second question.. Im leaving tomorrow!

Oh is what they all said and me? Nothing! I just stayed there silent..


I had just recently left 5 sos's house and started in my direction, when I finally got home and Un locked my door I noticed that boxes are being moved and as for I, being confused and all called to my parents.

Whats Happening here ?

Why are there boxes moving ?

Honey, please sit on the couch as my mom told me and so I did as that.

Now Im just all the way confused!

Whats Happening here ?

... Do you like America?

What kind of question is that?

I mean sure, we always been to canada where My mom and I go with our dad to see our sister.

Yeah I guess?

Okay, you love your sister right ?

Umm..  Why is she asking me this ?

Yeah Of Course I do!

And you know how big my job is right ?

Yes Mom! Get to the point please!

Right Now I was just annoyed!

Okay, Okay! Well we are moving over there! My job got me this big offer and after a lot of thinking I took it and as for your sister shes where my job is at!

Im sorry Camille but this will have to be!

After she said that I got my headphones and walked out.

I mean WE just moved here! Like literally! Now were moving to canada? I just went to this new school, made awesome new friends but now I Have to leave again? Oh no! Theres no way Ill move but then again I am still in the law of staying with my parents so that wont work.

This cant be happening!

Oh but it is!


I knew where my first destination is the park that I grew to.

When I was arriving to the park Ashton called me and so I answered saying hello a jillion times and he would not answer oh hey I need to tell them Im moving?

Scratch the park, Im going to the arcade! They where talking about it on the phone so that means ashton butt dialed me, oh ashton!

As soon as I arrived to the arcade, I had my search on for them but could not see them any where but then I heard.


And there they were.

I told them that I was leaving to America in a little while.

Camille! Why are you leaving to america? When? We just met you ? This is not possible!

To answer your first question, my sister lives there! My mom found a job over there like her job here offered the biggest job ever for over there and to answer the second question.. Im leaving tomorrow!

Oh is what they said except Calum, I wonder whats on his mind?


These boys Are the best! Ill miss them!

So Im not sure when Im leaving? Knowing my mom she can be the fastest packer yet!

(Michael) Aww camille! Well we should just hang out for the rest of the day!?

Oh no no! This is your time to spend! Im not going to invade it.

(Calum) NONSENSE! Your coming with us! Now lets go and have fun!


Oh Ashton!


Heey Guys! Missed me ? xP

I finally updated again c:

I HAVE 330 reads and 17 votes and 22 comments LIKEE WUT!

Should I make a Instagram for this book ? (: to see how they are ?

Comment below if I should (:

Camille! Im sorry but your out of the book but not entirely :D

Btw, I need to extra characters! Who wants to be in it!

This is the form to do it!

Name/made up name:

Girl/boy ?

Favorite character and why?

How much do you like my book?:D

Just answer those if you wanna be in it(:

Okay that's it! Byee <3


All Together In One!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें