Start from the beginning

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, you haven't been here since last week," Peter pointed out the obvious. It's weird to see a group mate appear outta thin air.

"I had... work," Hobie reasoned. To be fair, there was truth to that reason.

"Work that early?"

"Their hours... were crazy! But I quit. My dad hated me ditching school for a job"

"Well, we're glad you're here, Hobie!"

"So... what do we need to finish?" He asked.

"Oh, well, we got the script done, questions done... and video, not done," Liz quietly listed off. She didn't want to draw anyone's attention, especially Ms. Nelson's. Since they have practically less than a week till, they have to turn it in.

"Yeah, we still have to film-" Peter mentioned till Liz motioned him to lower his volume. If their teacher heard that they've been procrastinating, they'll never hear the end of it.

"Well, I can film... I got the equipment and everything"

"You wanna?" Peter asked.

"Yeah, I need to work on something, or else Ms. Nelson won't give me points for this," Hobie responded.

"Well, by all means, go ahead! Also, where'd you wanna meet up after school?"

"You have football, don't you? We can meet there," Liz mentioned.

"Actually... I got cut from the team. Coach hated that I've been absent for a long time."

Peter and Liz turned to each other and silently mouthed, "Oh."

"It's alright, let's just meet in the locker room area, then we'll go."

"Sounds good," the other two unanimously agreed.

Then, in the blink of an eye, it's lunchtime. That's how school was sometimes. Sure, classes may feel long in the moment, but when you take a step back and look back through your day, it felt like a blink.

Now Peter sat down with his best friend, Harry, at their usual table, taking a bite of his food. Although, his friend didn't look like himself. He seemed exhausted and not in the best mood. Peter didn't enjoy eating in silence, so he checked upon him, "Hey Har, you alright? You seem... quiet."

"I-it's Gwen. She hasn't spoken to me since Tuesday, Pete. I don't know what I did," he admitted.

"You know, Gwen probably needs time... alone"

Harry completely dismissed what Peter advised, "I need to buy her a gift, what should I buy her?"

"If you ask me, the gift she needs is time"

"Nah, something she can grab. Y'know chicks dig that"


"Has she spoken to you, Pete?"

"Uh-no, she hasn't," he slowly answered as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"O-okay. Well, there's MJ, I'll ask her about Gwen," he answered, and approached the scarlet-haired beauty.

To Peter, it seemed like Harry & Gwen's relationship was falling apart. It was only a matter of time until they split... and it conflicted Peter. Sure, he'd love to be with Gwen, that's what he dreamed of. But he didn't know if what he wanted was the right thing to do. His best friend needed help. And if his current girlfriend leaves him, who knows what else could happen. Sure, he could get another girlfriend, but would that be enough to fill in the void?

The Spectacular Spider-Man: REVIVAL SERIESWhere stories live. Discover now