Chapter One: Captured

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Your pov
    I was returning to the water village after my mother and I left for our usual ventures. Unfortunately, she didn't make it. We were fighting fire nation soldiers that attacked us while we were walking back. They got her badly, meaning she couldn't go any further. I ended up walking back alone, carrying all the gifts and food back.

     I finally made it to my small village. The children ran up to me, hugging my legs tightly. "Big sis! Did you bring us gifts! Where's mom?" The children asked.

"For the last time, I'm not your sister!" I shouted at the kids. "And she's my mom, not yours."

"Gifts!" They held out the hands, wanting their gifts and not a slap to the forehead.

"Alright, alright. Single file now."

     The kids were now in a line, eagerly waiting. I gave each a toy and a small bag of candy. They thanked me happily before running off to play or eat their candy. Gran Gran slowly walked to me. "Hey, Gran Gran. I didn't forget about you guys either." I pulled out gifts for the older ones and handed them to the rest of the people of the village. "Speaking of which, where's Katara and her idiot brother Sokka?"

"They went out searching for something. Or maybe someone." Gran Gran answered. "Where's your mother?"

"Fire soldiers. She didn't make it."

"I'm so sorry." She rubbed my back gently.

"It's fine. Hold Katara's and Sokka's gifts for them while I put supplies and food away for me?"

"Of course. Also, thank you for the lovely ring."

     I nodded and went to put everything away. As I was finishing up, I heard screams. I rushed out as soon as I could, finding a large fire navy ship crashing into our village. I helped the small children that fell and put them somewhere safe.
     I stood in front of the villagers, ready to protect them. From the ship came five soldiers. One stood in front of the rest. It seems he was the leader of some sorts. "Where is the avatar? We know you're hiding him somewhere!" The leader demanded.

"The avatar? Isn't he gone? Dead or something?" I questioned the leader back.

"We saw the light! Show us where he is, or we'll be forced to take you with us as well!"

"Fuck you! Shitty ass fire soldiers! If you're gonna kidnap me for something I didn't do, I'm not going down without a fight!" I shouted, getting into a battle stance.

"Have it your way!" He punched the air, shooting fire at me.

     I successfully dodged it and use my water bending to launch snow at his face. He quickly wiped his face and spit the snow out, making him an easy target now. I kicked his legs out from under him and slammed my foot on his neck. "How's that feel, shitty fire head? Huh? Doesn't fucking feel good, does it?"

     He moved his fingers forward, making his soldiers grab me. "Get the fuck off! Stupid ass ugly bitch ass fire soldiers! I'll drown you!" One punched me in the face, knocking me out.

Zuko's pov
    I rubbed my neck to soothe the pain before standing up, dusting off my clothes of the snow. "We'll wait here as long as it takes! Bring the avatar, or die." I threatened the small village before going back to my ship along with the unconscious girl.

     Once on the ship, I went to my room. "Is that girl the avatar?" My uncle asked, entering my room.

"Of course not. Does she look like the avatar to you?"

"Now that's a bit rude to her. And it's not like I've seen an avatar, no one has in over one hundred years."

"The real avatar will show up tomorrow."

     'At least he should if he wants to save that village.' "If you're so sure." He held his hands up and shrugged before leaving my room.

     With him gone, I rested so I could wake up early tomorrow.

Your pov

"Hey! Let me go, you shitty ass fire fuckers! You're just begging to be fed to piranhas!" I shouted in the empty room I was in.

     I gained no response, making me more angry. After hours of shouting without so much as a 'shut up!' to attempt to quiet me, I gave up. I sighed, banging the back of my head against the wall.

     While I was contemplating life and all the choices I made so far, I heard fighting coming up above me. I so desperately wanted to go up there and fight as well, but I couldn't as I was shackled. The ship shook, making me fall on my ass. "The hell are you doing up there, asswipes?!" I shouted, not gaining a response.

     After minutes of sitting and waiting, someone entered the room I was in. The soldier grabbed me roughly by my arm and dragged me up to the surface. I was blinded by the light for a moment before I adjusted. "Take the snow out." The supposed leader demanded.

"HAH?! WHY THE FUCK WOULD I HELP YOU USELESS ASSLICKERS!!?" I shouted, very loudly at him.

"Do you want us to go back and destroy that small village of yours and kill every single one of them?"

     I grumbled, not wanting to help them in the slightest. "Then at least take these useless shackles off. Unless you want to do it yourself because it seems like your other soldiers are a bit preoccupied at the moment." I motioned to the soldiers half frozen while others defrosted them.

     He waved his hand to the soldiers behind me. The shackles were removed, letting my rub my wrists to soothe the stinging pain. I moved my hands up, bringing the snow up. I then launched the snow at the leader. "That's what happens, asshole!" I yelled before taking the snow away and dumping it into the sea.

"Cuff her again." The thrown male ordered.

"Nuh-uh! Fuck off unless you wanna drown where you stand, asswipes!" I held up balls of water in my hands.

"Fine. Leave her alone." The male stood up and walked towards me.

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