Chapter 40: Ill Met

Start from the beginning

"What is it? What can you all hear?"

"I think it's the river from the book. It certainly sounds big enough."

"How far is it?" she asked, biting her thumbnail. Spotting the grim under the nail she thought better of it and let her hand drop to her side.

"Maybe a bit over half a mile," he guessed. Ten minutes later the group came to a halt as they came upon a sudden wall of fog, through which they could hear the river thundering by. As they crept closer through the mist they could see that either side of the path's white stones gave way to a short gravelly beach. The fog was so dense that they could not see more than about two yards in front of them.

"This must be it," said Bilbo loudly. "The enchanted river."

"It doesn't look all that enchanting to me," said Bofur, surveying the scene dubiously. Sara had to agree. The dark water near the shore moved with a sluggishness that reminded her of molasses, and it's surface was littered with fallen leaves and a gray-green algae that choked the bank. The trees along the river did not look healthy at all, instead they actually looked more rotted and dead than those that stood farther back. They retreated outside the fog bank wondering what to do next. Jutting up though mist were the remains of a high arched stone bridge which had long since crumbled and fallen into the river below.

"Sara," called Thorin over the river's roar. She saw him at the head of the crumbled bridge and pushed past several of the others and into the mist towards him. A hand found hers at the bottom of the bridge and Thorin pulled her upward till she stood with him at the edge. She looked back at the others and spotted a sullen Dwalin trying not to look at her and Thorin.

"What is it?" she asked looking around. She had to almost shout to be head over the rushing water below them. From their vantage point atop their portion of bridge they could see over the fog, though the far bank and the path were obscured by the other half of the bridge which was much taller than their side.

"I can see no boat," he said gesturing at the expanse of fog in front of them. "No boat, no bridge, no way to cross."

"What do you want to do?" she asked, chewing on her thumb again. His lips pressed together in a thin firm line as his eyes flicked to and for searching for a solution.

"It's a good twenty yards to the other side of the bridge."

"Could we somehow get a rope across the gap?" she asked.

"Perhaps, but I little like the idea of crossing a rope suspended above a river that makes such a sound." He looked at her. " If someone were to fall, their recovery would be impossible."

"Uncle!" came Fili's voice. "I found something!" He stood with the others looking up at them. She and Thorin descended and followed Fili to the left to where a tangle of roots and vines extended out over the river. "What about these? They look strong enough."

Sara backed out of the fog to glimpse the others milling around on the path, watching.

"What is it Sara?" asked Thorin.

"It only just occurred to me," she said biting her lip. "We're off the path but can see and hear the others, and my mind is clear."

"I hadn't even thought about that," said Fili, frowning as he appeared by their side.

"It will be the water," said Thorin ducking back into the fog. They followed him. "Likely it washes away all enchantment but its own, especially where the path is broken." He stepped forward tugging on a vine before testing his weight on an exposed root. Finding it to be sturdy he called for the others to join them.

The Undecided Title Of Sara Miller *Hobbit Fanfiction* (Thorin/OC)Where stories live. Discover now