Chapter 49

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You were surrounded by white, white light that faded into a forest scenery.

You looked around, it was the mortal world, the sunshine was golden and not red, the sky was blue and not as if someone slit their veins and painted the sky with their blood.

The soft breeze licked your skin lightly, glancing down at your body you saw that you were in your human form. A f/c dress that flowed out at the end was on your figure.

Your hair was down, framing your face.

The sound of birds chirping filled the silence, it made the day time peaceful.

"I always thought if life was hard, then death is easy."

Looking to your left, you could see Al was sitting down on the grassy ground. He wore a white dress shirt with a dark brown vest, black pants and shoes to match. Just like when he first met you. He adjusted his glasses and looked up at you.

"Come, sit. We don't have long."

Not questioning it, you sat down next to the human. His smile was small and content. You folded your hands in your lap, and stared into the forest.

"I'm going to miss you, Alastor."

The human tensed at the name you called him, he quickly turned his head to you with wide eyes. "Y-you know?" Al asked. You nodded.

"Do you still look at me the same?"

You sighed and smiled. "I don't think any information can change the way I see you, radio boy."

The male flushed at the nickname but was silent. It was silent for quite some time till he broke the silence once again.

"Dear, is it terrifying?"

You gave a hum of confusion.


Closing your eyes and just feeling the nature around you, the sun against your skin, you replied. "I don't personally think so. Everything must come to an end, there is no stopping the inevitable."

Al chuckled lightly, his nervousness leaving him the instant you calmed the topic.

A deer came out from the thicket of the woods and was in front of you both, staring out to a wolf that trotted from behind the trees. They slowly circled each other, coming closer till their noses touched. Both of the animals ears were pinned back, eyes closed.

"Then, I guess I'll see you in hell."

Hurt washed over you, and you finally turned to him, staring into his green eyes. "Oh, Al, no. You're not going to hell." You bit your lip. "This is it."

The human raised his hand and took your face in his grasp, pulling you close to him. His scent of cinnamon and black coffee made you feel relaxed.

A smile crossed his expression, as his lips met yours.

The scent changed, and it was as if your sense of smell became stronger. The smell of blood and venison filled your nose, as you slowly opened your eyes and both of you pulled back.

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