Chapter 27

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"Husk, can we get some alcohol?"

You said and turned to Angel Dust who dragged you here. The spider only smiled at you and gave a thumbs up.

Apparently, all good party's must have drinks. Husk can provide plenty of drinks, so here you are.

Husk raised an eyebrow at you and asked "How much, and what type of drink?" He lifted his bottle of cheap booze to his lips and took a gulp.


The cat demon suddenly started to choke, surprised by your response.

Husk wiped his mouth and cleared his throat. He looked up at you, trying to see if you were playing a prank but your face was blank and serious.

"Uhm, alright then. This is for..?" He trailed off holding you would finish his sentence.

"The party." You said and put your hands in your pockets. Husk nodded his head. "Ah."

As Husk was turning his body to get the bottles, you grabbed his arm, stopping his action. "Wait, would you like to join us?"

You stared into Husks eyes, a monotone expression playing on your face. The male glanced at your hand then looked back up at you.

He wants you to let go, dumbass.

You quickly released his arm and stood up straight. "Well?"

Husk breathed out a quick "Sure." And turned back around to grab the booze. As quick as he did before he turned back around and placed 8 bottles of whiskey on the bar.

"Oh, wow." You said plainly, never had you seen so much alcohol. Angel Dust squealed and viciously grabbed all of the bottles.

You reached into your pocket and grabbed your wallet, pulling it out and taking out $200. You held it out to Husk, waiting for him to take it.

He waved you off and said "Nah thanks, doll." You raised an eyebrow. "What? I can't just take these without paying." Husk grinned at you and clicked his tongue.

"Tch, so you do follow mortal laws?"

You glared at him at crossed your arms, still holding  out the money but not saying anything. You were about to open your mouth but Husk beat you to it.

"And don't say you have morals. We both know that's a lie."

Husk put his arms on the bar counter and smirked at you, knowing he won.

"Whatever." You bluntly said and started to walk away, Angel Dust in front of you.

Once you were 6 feet from the bar you turned back around and dashed to the counter. Slamming the money on in front of Husk, his eyes wide.

As you ran back to Angel you turned your head towards him and gave a thumbs up with a frustrated look.

Husk was stiff for a moment, processing what happened before shaking his head. He smiled and watched you disappear down the hall.

"Now I know why you like her so much."

Husk backed up and looked down, the human smiled sheepishly. Al crawled from under the counter and stood up. "Thank you for not telling on me."

The cat demon shrugged his shoulders and grabbed his booze, taking a sip and looking back at Al.

"So, you fucked her or what?"

Al's face went completely red. "N-no! That's not what happened!" He whisper-shouted. "Why do you people keep saying that?!"

"Saying what?"

Sweet Sense (Alastor x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin