Chapter 21

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As you walked on the stage you were greeted by a bright light, the stage lights. The beam followed you as you made your way to the center of the wooden plate form, were the microphone was seated.

You looked up at the audience and saw the front row, which contained of Vaggie, Angel Dust, Husk, Nifty, Charlie who was just now taking her seat, Alastor, and last but certainly not least, Lucifer. In the other aisles was a numerous amount of demons of all sorts.

Husk gave you a grin and relaxed in his seat, Vaggie and Charlie gave you a smile, Angel Dust looked you up and down with a smirk, and the two egotistical psychos gave you a wide smile.

You lifted your arm and gripped the microphone tightly. The music started to play.

Here goes nothing.

"It's not~

Easy having yourself a good time, greasing up those bets and betters."

Your voice rang out through the crowd, sending a shiver down their spines.

"Watching out they don't four-letter,

Fuck and kiss you both at the same time."

You glanced at Alastor subconscious, which made you internally rage.

"Smells like something I've forgotten, curled up died and now it's rotten."

Your hand shot up with a black flame flying up into the air, after a few seconds the stage burst into color.

"I'm not a gangster tonight, don't want to be the bad guy."

You grabbed the microphone off the stand and slowly walked around the stage.

"I'm just a loner baby, and now you've gotten in my way."

Suddenly, your left ear twitched which made you turn your head in the middle of singing. What you saw, was something that made your heart drop.


Running over to you, microphone in hand.

(This is you singing, this is Al singing, this is you both singing at the same time."

"I can't decide, whether you should live or die."

Al sang whilst smirking, he reached his hand into his back pocket and pulled out a sharp knife, pointing it down to your neck. It seemed he didn't notice the massive amount of demons watching his reveal.

"Oh, you'll probably go to heaven.

Please don't hang your head and cry."

Al continued to sing, you just watched him with wide eyes. Filling with disbelief, shock, fear, worry, and anger. He lied.

"No wonder why, my heart feels dead inside."

Al's free hand went and clutched his shirt were his heart was.

"It's cold and hard and petrified!"

Sweet Sense (Alastor x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن