Chapter 2

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// 2nd Person POV //  In Hell

The tension still hung in the air, but it soon came to an end when-


Suddenly, there was a massive explosion. All demons from Hell ran outside, searching for the sound. They looked up at the sky, and gasped in horror.

There in the sky, was you. Hands outstretched at your sides, sharp claws, and a black liquid dripping from your eyes. You seemed to be levitating, a f/c aura surrounding you.

// Y/N POV //

I felt strange, was I dead?
Did that bastard kill me?
Where am I?

I opened my eyes, and saw buildings beneath me. I was floating in a red sky.

I clenched my fists in confusion but felt a sharp poke in my palm. I looked down at my hands and saw that my normal hands had been turned into claws.


I shifted my vision downward more and saw a crowds of what seemed to be demons. Just watching me.

I narrowed my eyes at them, I didn't like attention all that well.

A sudden noise echoed through the air.

A gun reloading.

My body acted on it's own as I dived down to the sound. A fury of rage lit in me. No way was I going to be killed twice.

I didn't know how I was doing this. Or where I was. All that I knew was just one thing ringing in my mind.

Kill them all.

// 3rd Person POV and 2nd Person POV //

Y/N's eyes fulled completely with black, as the thought continued to ring in her mind. Her face was blank, but her eyes showed aggression, and anger.

A scream tore through the crowd as she flew down, even without wings she was able to float.

Panic filled the demons as they scattered in desperate attempts to get away from the girl. The one who had reloaded the gun though, stayed in place. Fear was rattling in his body, making him glued to the cement.

All the demon could do was stare at your eyes, trembling with all his might. He wished he never pulled out his gun. He wished he never thought he could take you down. He wished, he wasn't so cocky as to think you were weak.

But wishes are nothing once your in Hell.

You slammed into the demons body, making him fly back into the brick wall that was behind him.

He groaned in pain, eyes closed as he felt blood trickle down his forehead.

You on the other hand were just fine.

Your figure stood infront of him. Dust clearing slowly, revealing more of you.

The demon infront of you opened his eyes slowly. Once he caught a glimpse of you, his eyes shot open.

"I- uh- I'm so sorry, please, uh- don't k-kill me.." He spoke in a frantic voice.

Sure it was Hell. And no one seemed to give a shit about anything but still, you gave off the vibe that you would torture someone because you thought they looked at you wrong. So, of course he was shitting himself.

The black liquid still poured out of your eyes, and now mouth when you opened it.

"Tell me, what's your name?"

The male demon gaped at you for asking him a seemingly unimportant question. He was silent as he pressed his back up against the wall, trying his hardest to get away from you.

He took in a deep breath and glared at you. As if saying 'No way in hell I'm going to tell you.'.

You growled in a low tone and kneed him in the stomach.

He quickly dropped to the ground, coughing from getting the wind knocked out of him. You grabbed his hair and pulled him back up. Slamming his head against the brick wall.

"I asked you a question." You said, poison dripping from your voice.

He looked into your black filled eyes, even though they covered your actual eye color, he could still see the emotion they held. And yours holded no patience whatsoever.

You rammed his head against the wall once again.

"It's rude not to answer, Y'know."

The demons vision was blurred, the world around him spinning. But, still he gave no answer.

You growled again.

This conversation is getting no where. You thought.

You sighed and let go of the males deep blue locks. Watching his body slide down to the pavement.

You felt something on top of your head twitch, and heared a noise. It sounded like a heavy gulp. You decided to ignore whatever it was that was on your head, and look in the direction of the oral sound.

There was the crowd of demons, watching the scene that previously unfolded infront of them.

You gave a blunt expression looking at them.

Then, you slammed your foot onto the male demons head that was beneath you. His brains and blood splattering on the floor and hard walls.

"Run." Was all you said before you painted the street in red.

Sweet Sense (Alastor x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant