Chapter 9

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== Chapter 9

Your eyes fluttered open as you felt sunlight on your eyelids, though it wasn't the red sunlight you were so used to.



You sat up and immediately felt pain all over your figure, you groaned.

"I wouldn't do that, dear." A voice rang out.

You swivled your head and saw a male, a skinny one. You tilted your head at him "Who the hell are you? What am I doing here." You said the last question in a harsher tone, almost like you were interrogating him.

His eyes widened with slight shock but he only chuckled and walked to you "That's no way for a lady to talk."

Now, you see his features. The man had brown hair with green eyes, he wore a dress shirt with maroon slacks and neat black shoes. He was also a human.


"I don't think you know who your talking to." You gritted your teeth.

The brown haired man gave a smile and said "I think I'm talking to a little lady I just saved."

"Saved?" You questioned.

"Yes, saved! You see, dear. When I found you, you were all bloody and wounded and like the gentleman I am. I patched you up!" He said whilst holding up his index finger.

He saved you? A human? But, you were a demon. How were you not in a lab or some shit already?

"Oh," you looked away slightly guilty to curse at him "Thanks.." You mumbled.

"Your very welcome, my dear!" You looked back at him, his vocabulary sounded familiar.

You swung your legs over the side of the bed that you were rested on and stood up, only to start melt into the ground.

The man grabbed your waist and hand gently and holded you up before you could fall.

"You have to be more careful, come, lay back down." He said softly.

You nodded your head, slightly uncomfortable with his physical contact.

He picked you up with no hesitation and laided you down on the bed, he grabbed a blanket and placed it on you.

The brown haired man then grabbed a chair and set it beside your bed before he took his seat in it.

"So, deary! Tell me about yourself!" He said with a smile.

You squinted your eyes at the human, was he not terrified that a literal demon was laying on his bed?

You took in a deep breath and spoke "My name is Y/N but I'm known as The Heartless Huntress. I'm an overlord in hell, known for murdering sinners with a still expression on my face.

I hold no patience whatsoever for demons who try and act better than they are. I only seek sinners fear. I rather be feared than loved or cared for.

Another thing, I don't smile. I'm known for being a plain faced overlord with no guilt or any resent for any of my actions.

In my time that I was living, I was an assassin. Killing thousands whilst making money in the process, it was quite thrilling to say the least. I'm a cold blooded killer that people avoid in both life and death.

I'm also a wolf demon, I was two ear tuffs at the top of my head if you didn't notice already and I have a tail. Do not ask to touch either of them.

I adore venison and love the taste, it's very sweet. My other food I enjoy is f/d.

My favourite color is f/c."

The man beside you was silent for a moment before he burst into laughter.

"What? What so funny?" You asked slightly annoyed.

"Your a, haha! Demon? Dear, I apologize but have you seen yourself?" You gave him a questioning look "You don't have any demon traits, whatever those are supposed to be."

He rested his cheek in his palm "Your an assassin and overlord, you say? Darling, you look like you wouldn't hurt a fly. Let alone thousands of people!"

Your mind raced, you weren't a demon?! Then, what were you?

You frantically asked "Can I use a mirror?!"

The brown haired man chuckled and reached into the drawer the was beside the bed. He retracted his hand and held a mirror in his palm.

"Here you are, dear."

You quickly snatched the object from his hand.

How the fu-

There you were, with no ears, no red eyes, and normal s/c skin.

You were human.

You gasped and tossed the mirror to the other side of the bed. How did this happen? Why did this happen?

You felt a hand on your shoulder making you flinch.

"Oh! I apologize, dear." The brown haired male said taking his hand off of you.

You turned to him and stared into his eyes. Did he have something to do with this?

The man gave a concerned look "Are you alright?" You slowly nodded your head.

You squinted your eyes and asked "What's your name?"

The male opened his mouth with a bright smile but no words came out, he felt something stop him, a force telling him to not tell you.

"A-.... A-Al.." The man stuttered out.

You holded out a hand "Y/N." Al's smiled and swiftly took your hand, placing a gentle kiss on it.

Your breath shortened at his action.

"Y/N, would you like some tea?" Al said standing up, you agreed and he showed you to his dining room.

You looked around as he guided you to a chair, pulling it out for you. You sat down with a small 'Thank you.' and Al quickly walked away to get tea.

You had started to have respect for Al, he seemed like a gentleman, the nicest one you've seen. He reminded you of Alastor but you shook that thought away, no way was that damn deer anything like this precious soul.

Al's house was very 1920s, which confused the hell out of you. Wasn't it the 2000s?

Al came back to you and placed a clean cup filled with steamy tea in front of you. He sat down next to you, holding his own cup.

"So, my dear Y/N. Let's talk!"

Sorry for the short chapter I'm on vacation right now and it's 2 AM, please forgive me. I'm trying my hardest to type correctly and stay awake at the same time.

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