Chapter 28 - The Undersea Kingdom

Start from the beginning

They untangled their tails and slipped out of each other's arms, until they were only holding hands. He blushed and all Cordelia could do was giggle as they left the museum, heading back to the surface.


When they broke the water's surface, night had already fallen. Clouds obscured the moon and stars above. The only source of light came from the lighthouse miles down the beach. The air was freezing, even without the breeze. 

Cordelia sang the Song of Shifting. When the transformation was over, she wore her regular adventuring clothes. 

Volsair removed his amulet, transforming back into being a human.  He held her hand as they walked out of the waist-deep surf.  

They were both shivering when they made it to Stormbringer. Letting go of her hand, he fished out his shirt and her scarf from a saddlebag. He handed Cordelia her scarf, and pulled the shirt on over his soaked skin. Then he pulled on his cloak and gloves. 

After they mounted Stormbringer, Cordelia said a word to expand her scarf to the size of a blanket. She wrapped the blanket around her shoulders and Volsair, holding the scarf in place, with her arms around his waist. 

"I missed this." she commented.

"I did too," He said, trying to stop his chattering teeth. "It's too dark to travel to the Capital. We'll stay the night with my parents." 

"How far away are they?" 

"Half a mile." he replied, moving Stormbringer onto the road. 


The town of  Almarindaela was a midsized town with multi-colored tile roofs and buildings. Stormbringer's hooves rang on the paving stones, echoing through the deserted streets until they arrived at the fortress. 

"The fortress was built originally for a place to protect the people of the region from pirates." Volsair explained.

Cordelia nodded and pulled her scarf closer, shielding him from the cold. 

They neared the fortress's iron-banded gates, Volsair reigned in Stormbringer. "Easy boy. Easy." he said, gently patting his flank. 

"Who goes there?" A sentry on the wall's battlements called down.

Volsair cleared his throat and called back up, "It is I, Champion Volsair, and my betrothed Cordelia! We have come to see my parents. The Lord and Lady Silverleaf" His breath was visible in the frigid night air. 

Volsair watched as touch light traveled along the wall, then he saw moving candlelight in the fortress's windows and arrow slots. 

"I hope they don't take too long." Cordelia whispered, resting her chin on his shoulder. 

"I hope so too," Volsair whispered leaning back, feeling her warm breath on his neck. "I really did miss you." 

"I did too." Cordelia said, lightly kissing him on the cheek. 

He felt warmth flood his face from where her lips had touched him.  

"Reminds me of the last time we had to keep warm." Volsair said with a smile, laying the reigns on the saddle. He slid his hands under the scarf and took ahold of Cordelia's hands, their fingers intertwined. 

"What are the chances of a Dragon threatening to eat us now?" Cordelia asked.

"Now? Not likely." Volsair replied.

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