"Can I see?" He asked with a smile.

"Of course," Sand answered immediately. Dye sat and read. He smiled and nodded. "We're trying to decide what to do next."

"I think it's good as is. Not every song needs 2 or three verses. It just depends on delivery. First song off the top of my head is this old R&B track I heard from Flex. Don't just focus on the lyrics because they are raunchy but also his delivery and performance value. Remember every song, video and live performance is a lesson you need to study from." Then Dye whipped out The Thong Song by Sisqo. 

Noh watched them as they looked at the video. He saw that Nicky, Perry and Link were lost from the start. Sand took everything they said very seriously. Den might be loud but he was also very professional and respectful. Evan was interesting. He needed help from the others and didn't really have the ability to organize his thoughts into words like Nicky strangely did. It was an interesting situation.

As soon as the song was finished, Evan raised his hand. Dye smiled and nodded at him.

"He's a really great performer. The song is basically a repetition of one verse and chorus. He only changes a few words, maybe 2 at the most each time he starts over but he manages to make it sound different every time."

"Yes. The adlibs and tonal changes really have that effect too." Sand agreed. 

"I think you both are very performance oriented," Noh said suddenly to Sand and Evan. "You even moved and danced in tiny as they say. While you are good at keeping the others in check Sand, your not the best at organizing your thoughts." 

Sand nodded. He had already noticed this.

"That's ok thought. We all have out strong points. Den, your a bit of an all rounder. Ohm told me that you did well for him too. Nicky, you may be generally confused about life but you speak and write very well when you know what's going on. If I were you guys, I would group Nicky, Den, and Perry to work on songs. If I were you Sand, I would check on them occasionally and make sure that they keep on track. Once you 3 are finished, give your work to your boy Link here. Your really good at cleaning up. You whipped out your phone like Dye and Ex sometimes do and did the thing right. This sounds much more cohesive because of you. How are you guys at production?"

"We have no clue about it. We used to have a guy to help us get our stuff together but he's been really shady lately and we need someone more consistent. We were actually looking to forma a team. We have a competition next week that something like battle of the bands. It's only for money thought but we were hoping to use that money to start a team and to help us get recognition and blow up. We have a lot of competition right now especially from big companies."

"Ok. I think I have someone I can as to give you a leg up in life. God I wonder how much this will cost me." Noh whipped out his phone and made a call to a number he has never used before.

"Well, well, well. To what do I owe this pleasure my lovely P'Noh?" She cackled in delight.

"Sempai Mel. How are ya?" He shook his head and smiled.

"Ecstatic at the moment. What can I do for ya sweetie?"

"You have really good people working for you or at least are connected to great people. How are they at music production?"

"I have a few ladies who are outstanding at it. Why?"

Noh took a deep breath and broke it down for her. 

"I see. I'm going to do up an agreement and come over with some people. Expect us in the morning. Say around 8?"

"I love you," Noh told her sweetly. Dye could only shake his head.

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