berries' n' cherries

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as crystal finished up in the restroom, gigi leisurely walked around the gas station. he eyed up a a bag of berries' n' cherries fruit snacks and brought them up to the counter. this was his favourite flavour. as he handed the woman two dollars cash, he continued to think about what crystal had said to him: "i am afraid i will hurt you." the words replayed over and over. gigi couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

gigi waited outside for crystal so they could walk back to the van together. he popped a berry fruit snack into his mouth. the sweetness of the gummy easing his nerves and the fresh air allowing him to collect his thoughts; he didn't know what crystal's relationship was like with his boyfriend back home in missouri but he knew he didn't want to fall into crystal's second place... what gigi craved the most was to mean something to crystal. and he knew he was willing to persist, at least for the rest of the week... to make this come true.

crystal finally approached gigi... and with great ease wrapped his arms around gigi's shoulders. gigi was both overwhelmed and shocked, but nevertheless he positioned his delicate fingers upon crystal's waist and squeezed lightly. "what was that hug for?" gigi asked, his expression a mixture of both confusion and joy. "if I'm completely honest I'm not sure. I just really wanted to hug you." crystal replied.

it was abnormal for crystal to show gigi such affection. gigi felt it was almost indefinitely himself who continuously hinted his admiration towards crystal and not the other way around... he couldn't help but feel his stomach churn and his hands quiver as he held back his internal excitement. "well let's go back to the van now." gigi said. he smiled at crystal and crystal smiled back.

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