Chapter 50-Doubt vs Reckless Plan

Start from the beginning

He looked down at Xiu Xiang's peaceful sleeping face, then made a firm decision then and there. Xiu Xiang had returned and was now in his arms. Whoever wanted to take her from him, they would have to get her by stepping over his dead body first.

"Guards!" Wei Xing shouted angrily. Several guards appeared before him. They dropped to one knee with their heads lowered. "Imprison the Night Guards and Hua Jian. If they resist, break their legs."

The guards didn't dare to object and immediately set off to find the Night Guards and Hua Jian.

Just when Bai Qing thought that her words had gotten through to Wei Xing, she was instead baffled by Wei Xing's order. She was about to reach out to touch Wei Xing's shoulder only to grab air when he stepped aside to avoid her touch.

"I will kill whoever tries to get between us. Even if that person is you," Wei Xing said harshly.

Bai Qing's lips trembled as she lowered her outstretched hand. She could only watch silently as Wei Xing left her alone in the corridor.

Once Wei Xing left an order to be undisturbed, he entered his room and slammed the doors shut. He carried Xiu Xiang to the bed and gently placed her in bed. It was far different from the first time he brought her back. When he remembered how he had ungraciously dumped her at Hua Jian's feet, his heart stung. He indeed regretted what he had done. All his actions only pushed her further toward Hua Jian and creating a greater distance between them instead.

He reached out to caress her pale cheeks. She had lost so much weight since the last time he saw her. When he brought her back the first time, she was at death's door and only managed to sustain her life force with his blood. He wanted so much to punch himself over and over for unintentionally hurting her.

"I'm sorry... even if you end up hating me, I will never let you go," he whispered.

After cleaning up her injury and changing her into new clothes, his eyes fell upon her pouch he had set off to the side. He then remembered the jade thumb ring. He untied the pouch and pulled out the jade ring. Glaring at the ring as if the ring itself was Hua Jian, he nearly crushed it into dust only to stop himself when he looked at Xiu Xiang's face.

Frowning slightly, he placed the ring back into the pouch but he didn't return it to Xiu Xiang. He gave one last look at Xiu Xiang then headed straight for the prison.

Hua Jian and the Night Guards were sitting silently within the prison. They didn't know why they had been detained and didn't struggle as they knew they were powerless against Wei Xing. The door creaked loudly within the dank prison.

Wei Xing entered and headed right for Hua Jian's cell.

"You knew who she was, yet you didn't say anything," Wei Xing accused.

Hua Jian had just recently returned from Jade Mountain Range when he was suddenly captured and detained. He thought that Wei Xing was going through another tantrum and he was right.

"So, you finally realized who she is," Hua Jian spat as he wrapped his arms tightly in front of him.

Wei Xing reached out with his hands and Hua Jian instantly felt something grip at his neck. He didn't struggle as he was brought forward. He hanged in midair with his feet dangle a couple inches off the ground.

"Were you trying to keep her to yourself? Don't even think about it! She's mine!" Wei Xing hissed.

"Pfft. I wouldn't want her even if you threw her at me! Have you forgotten, my lord? I'm gay!" Hua Jian choked out.

Something clicked in Wei Xing's mind and he suddenly released his hold on him. Hua Jian landed on his feet gracefully as he lightly massaged his sore neck.

"For someone who claims to love her, it took you long enough to realize who she was," Hua Jian sneered. No matter how irritating Xiu Xiang was in the past, Hua Jian had always been extremely loyal to her, however, as a pure gay, he has never once thought of Xiu Xiang that way. It was almost insulting to think that he would ever love Xiu Xiang. Of course, he would never dare to voice this out. If Xiu Xiang found out that he thought it was an insult to fall in love with her, she would quickly roast him into bits.

When Hua Jian pointed that out, Wei Xing bit his lower lip knowing that he was in the wrong. Even so, he couldn't let things stay as it were. Xiu Xiang had bought Hua Jian a jade ring. He was an amateur when it comes to relationships, but even he knew that when a woman bought a man an expensive piece of jewelry, it meant that she wanted to be courted.

"Even if you are gay, she is in love with you," Wei Xing muttered bitterly.

"Ha?! My lord, are you blind? With what eyes do you see that woman having feelings for me?" Hua Jian exclaimed.

Wei Xing flashed a threatening glare at him and debated on whether he should show him the ring or not. In the end, he didn't. What if Hua Jian actually develops feelings upon seeing it?

No, he wouldn't have it.

Tilting his head up, he looked down at Hua Jian like he was beneath him.

"If you help me destroy her feelings for you, I will release you and the Night Guards," Wei Xing commended.

Destroy what feelings? Hua Jian secretly cried in his heart. This wet behind the ears lord of his frustrated him just as much as his other lord, Xiu Xiang.

"Aiya. I'm telling you. That woman is in love with you... well... I'm sure she is. We just need to find a way to make her admit it." Hua Jian wasn't too sure. After Xiu Xiang saw Wei Xing in bed with Bai Qing, she seemed to have reverted to the time when she was still the Demoness. According to him, all women were the same. Only their true feelings would come out when they were jealous.

Having forgotten that he had come here to fight it out with his rival, hope rose within Wei Xing as he naively nodded. He suddenly looked less like the fearsome demon lord and more like an innocent schoolboy.

"What do I need to do?" he asked.

"Jealousy, my lord. We need to provoke her jealousy. Only then would she admit her feelings," Hua Jian said with a grin.

What the two men didn't know was that they were about to embark on a dangerous thorny path of no return.

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