They Don't Understand

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*Several Months Later.... Like Two Or Three*

It's been a while since the school day when I met Chilled. As of now, he's basically my only friend. He has a bunch of friends, but we don't get along as well as Chilled and I. Mrs.Diyn still occasionally asks me what I want to be. Instead of lying, I always tell the truth. Not too sure why though. Each time, it results in a hour long disagreement. I don't think the other students are complaining anyway.

Today was a bit different. She didn't mention the past arguements at all. My hope was that she just gave up on the whole thing, but I doubt I'm going to be so lucky. She's the kind of teacher that'll get extreamly invest into other people's lives, with or without their consent. I don't know why she won't jut leave me be. It's my life, I should be the one to make MY choices.

I came home a bit late, I took a detour to walk Chilled home. As of last week, He and I walk to home and to school. I do it since Dad got a new position, one where he works from 1:00p.m to 9:00pm. Chilled walks so I 'don't feel so alone'. I pass by all the snow and to the doorway. It's definantly going to be a cold year, already snowing before Christmas. I enter the house, feeling heat pierce into me. As it turns out, it was just Mom's eyes, piercing into me. I placed my jacket, hat and gloves by the door.

"Steven, Mrs.Diyn told me." She announced. I really hope..

"Told you what?" I requested. She didn't tell...

"That you want to be a Youtuber." Mom finished. Her Exactly that....

I really hope that she's okay with this." It's true. I want to be a Youtuber." I confirmed.

She let out a small sigh, "Steven dear, you know that I only want what's best for you." I nodded, expectantly. "That's why you shouldn't."


"Because it's not a good and certain source of income."

"I could get a part-time job!" She gave me the irritated look.

"Steven... I want you to do well in life. A well paying Logical job, and a pretty wife."

"Well I don't want either!" I yelled. Her face went to shock, understanding what I meant. Noticing what I said, mine did the same.

"Steven...." I darted past her and to my room. Shit... I can't belive I said that. I guess I would've one day, but not like that...

I locked the door. I lied on my bed, listening to her from the other side of the door, not bothering to take off my shoes.

"I don't want you to live in a box because you choose to be a Youtuber. And I don't want you to go hell because you choose to" It's no choice.

"We can discuss this with your dad." I belive his exact word were 'The world would be better without them'. For both.

I don't know how, but I fell asleep. Thankfully, only for a few hours though. Dad gets off work in four more hours. Lacking the desire to wait until dad comes, I made my way quietly to the window. I opened the window, trying my best to not make a sound. Without a sound, I squeezed through and closed the window behind me. Shivering in the winter darkness, I really wished I planned this out a bit better. I don't really have anywhere to go. I felt a strong chill. Chilled...

Shivering up and down, I pulled out my phone. I waited a few seconds for him to pick up. "Yellow?"

"Yeah. Hey Chilled. Is it okay if I come over?" I continues to shiver, a combination of hypothermia and antisipation.

"Sure. Are you going to stay the whole weekend?"

"If my mom and dad allow it."

"Okay. My mom and Dad will be cool with it. See you when you come!" He hung up. I continued walking, envious and freezing, not representing my Canadian-ness very well.

'Should've brought a jacket.' I know.

'Should've brought gloves and a hat.' I know...

'Should've brought your bike.' "I know!" I exclaimed, to no one but the snow. The snow began falling more rapidly, turning everything in its wake white.

(❄Half an hour later❄)

I saw his house, three blocks away.This isn't normal... I know it must be cold. I was freezing just a second ago...

Two blocks away. I feel warm. Really warm, but that isn't right. It's at least 10°f. Maybe even less then that. Something defiantly is strange about this.

One block away. It still feels really warm. And suddenly, I felt really tired. Keeping my eyes open is becoming a struggle, just as walking forward is.

On his lawn. At this point, I'm practically burning up. Even with all this snow, still forcefully falling. There's his door, it's a little hazy....

★Chilled's P.O.V only for a second.★

I heard a weird tapping at the door. I paused the game. I wondered why Ze wanted to come over, especially so abruptly. Hopefullt he wants to play some Smash Bros! I just got it for the Nintendo 64. "I'll get it!" I called out to Mom.

♦Ze's P.O.V♦

The door opened quickly. My teeth were still chattering and my legs were shaking, along with the rest of my body. "Buddie?" I heard Chilled gasp. But that doesn't matter, the floor is approching me........


This was written solely for story, not realism.

Also... = |

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