Needs Some Time

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This One Is pretty Short, (Like me....)


     "Anthony, I don't know how to put this, but here it is: I'm moving on the 29th of May...No....." I sighed on my bed, back against the wall. In my hand was a picture Chilled took of both of us when we went bowling.

     It's now the 20th and I still haven't even mentioned that I'm moving to Chilled. Instead, I'm re-telling a picture of him over and over and over. At least I know his picture would take the news well, but that doesn't help the situation at all.

     I lied down on my bed. Why did mom and dad have to rent out the apartment room so early? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they're happy, but a bit sudden? That's an understatement. The first collage semester begins in August, meaning that's almost three months that I could've spent with Chilled. Then again, mom and dad are paying for collage, but not for the apartment, meaning I'll have to get a job over there.

     Speaking of jobs, remember YouTube? Me and Chilled DID begin a channel, one he named. It's called CriousGamers and it's both of ours right now, henceing the 's' at the end. (Not the reason for the 's' I'm pretty sure, but let's go with it.) Maybe I'll make my own personal channel later, but for now, we both are part of the same one. Of course we don't have many subs and all that, but I just noticed, I don't really care about it. As long as I get to have fun with Chilled, those 48 subs are all I need. But 48 followers, damn that's a lot!

     I pulled out my phone, Chilled on my mind as usually. He picked up after only a second or two. "Ze!" I smiled at the sheer sound of his cheerful voice. 

     "Hey Chilled! Do you want to go out? Go and watch a movie or something? Maybe go out for something to eat?"

     "Of Course! But can I ask you something first?" He requested.

     "Sure. What is it?" 

     "You know, you've been asking to go out places a lot more lately. Any reason?" I paused to think of something.

"     Well....You know how we're both going to graduate soon. We won't be able to see each other as often, like we do everyday at school..."

     "When we both graduate, we'll be able to see eachother even more, and not just for school work. I mean, It's not like either of us are moving to the other side of the country! Right!.........   Right?'

     'Say it.' I wanted to tell him but it felt like I had a lump in my throat. The fact that he exactly what was happing doesn't help. "Yep....Right!" I lied with enthusiasm.

     It'll come out when the time is right, right? Right?.....


Hope You Enjoyed this short part!

(For My Fellow Shortys) Does anyone else want to be used as an armrest by a Youtuber you watch? I'm 5'1, It could happen! My dad is 5'3, I'm not getting any taller!!!

Don't Mind My Weirdness...And Shortness.

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