(Pt.1) We Will Graduate Today

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 I was going to make this all one HUGE chapter, but I won't be able to write for a while....


      I took another look at this math work. Why does our teacher even bother giving us class work right now? School ends literally ends today, in like two hours. Meanwhile our class is doing some find x bullshit.  Supposed to be doing at least. 

    Dear Teacher,

             I'm sorry to say this, but here it is. The search for x has ended....We've been looking for four years but never found x. 

     Not too sure why I wrote this, but I doubt anyone is acually doing the assignment anyway. Our teacher wanted some peace and quiet before the assembly, but there's no way to get that today. Most everyone is just talking or on their phone. Unfortuantly, my phone is dead and I only know Galm in this class, and he's on the other side of the classroom. I've had to much on my mind to even try to talk to anyone openly I've still been debating with myself on what to tell Chilled. He hasn't told me his plans for the future, but I doubt he'll want to move cross country over my life. 

     Like every other day, the bell rang once more. However instead of going to World history, everyone's heading to the Gym for the assembley. I turned back to see Smarty and Galm catching up to me.

     "Hey guys." I called unentusiastically. Smarty looked shocked.

     "Dude today is the last day of school! Aren't you excited!?" I shrugged.

     "I guess so, but I got a lot on my mind." Smarty was defiantly too cheerful right now. He has a yearbook with too many signatures from strangers, he paid 3$ to get facepainted, and even being next to him forces a smile on your face. Even Galm is smiling, which is unusual because it's caused by Smarty. "Where's Chilled?" 

     "He's probably already inside, Let's Go!" Smarty walked ahead, Galm and I behind. We all headed inside the gym.

     People were everywhere, filling up most of the bleachers. We all began the search for people. I luckily already had a guess. Not suprising at all, Chilled was at the top, all the way to the side. As out of the way as possible. He was looking around the Gym, not noticeing the three of us closeby. His eye lit up once he saw us. "Hey Chilled!" Smarty yelled as we continued to climb up. No one said anything else until we were acually next to eachother.

     "Hello Smarty. Hey Ze!" I took the time to notice how well he choose the seats. We were out of sight, since he knows I don't anyone to give us looks, also since the teachers don't go near the sides of the bleachers. Instead, they stand at the beginning of each row, meaning they were as far as possible. Also we're by the edge, meaning that we have the closest thing to a armrest.

     "Hey Chilly!" I replied cheerfully. We all sat down, Chilled to my left and Galm to my right. I watched as more people filled in while Galm Smarty and Chilled were talking. Once everyone was in, the principle began speaking. The four of us weren't listening at all. None of even noticed that everyone was standing for while.

     There was someone singing America's national anthem. Too bad no Canada's national anthem. Oh Canada! Our home and native land! No? Okay....Once they finished, everyone applauded her and gradually, everyone sat down. I took the opportunity to cuddle into Chilled's side. He wrapped an arm around me. I heard a snickering noise on my right. "What?" Chilled asked. 

     "Oh nothing, nothing." Galm smiled. I brushed it aside and continued pretending to be intrested in the assembley. After a few moments, Galm spoke once more. "What's it like being Gay?" Random.

     "Well I'm bi, but I don't know. What's it like being black?" Chilled quickly returned. 

     "Point taken!" Galm said, most likely unable to think of a comeback. "What about you Ze?" 

     "It's like....wait, why?" I asked before answering.

     "I don't know. I'm curious." I rolled my eyes.

     "Okayyy...It's like being one fruitloop surrounded by Cheerios."

     "Weird example."      

     "Weird Question." I turned my head into Chilled's chest . Huh, I didn't think I'd be this tired...


     "Hey, Steven?"

    "Chilled?" I asked, knowing Chilled is the only person who uses my first name, besides my parents. I looked around, people were scattered around the Gym randomly. "What's happening?"

     "Oh the assembly ended a little while ago, and everyone's waiting for the buses." 

     "Did I miss anything?" Chilled shook his head.

     "Nah, not really. They had a few guest speakers and people telling about their high school expirence. Besides that, nope." I nodded, thanking myself for not getting any sleep last night. But that's when I remembered what kept me up. "Hey Steven, You've been pretty sleepy the past few days. You all right?"

     "Yeah, I'm fine. I just... Got  a whole lot on my mind." I explained, hoping to change the subject.

     "Thinking about what you'll do after school?" I slightly flinched. 

     "Ye..Yeah...something like that.." Before Chilled continued, Smarty came up the stairs of the bleachers like a maniac.

     "Hey did you guy's hear? Minx is Valedictorian!" He said, still too excited.

    "Really?" I asked, honestly suprised.

     "I know right? But if you tell her that you don't belive her, she'll hit you..." He warned, rubbing his cheek. The bell's rang. This time they signified the final day of school, where all of us leave as- Grown-children. I wouldn't even dare call myself an adult, not yet at least. Together, Chilled, Smarty, and I traveled down the stairs. After some time, Smarty disperced from the group, to look for Galm.

     "Well, looks like this is the last time we'll be here huh? I commented quietly, turning back to the school. It'll feel weird, we all came here everyday for 4 years after all. Starting tomorrow is the first day of never coming back.

     "I guess so." Chilled said. We both continued walking, only to be startled by banging noises. We both turned to the bus making the noise. Sure enough, It was Smarty banging on the window. We both waved before speed-walking away. "Goddamnit Smarty." Chilled says after a few more steps.

     "Agreed." We listened to the sound of loud horns from each bus as we both walked to our houses.


     "Well there's your house." Chilled acknowlaged, Insisting on walking to my house with me. "See you at graduation." He smiled. We wrapped our arms around each other to give a quick goodbye kiss. "Bye Steven."

     "Bye Anthy." We untangled and I walked onto my lawn, looking back to Anthony several times. 'I'll tell him at graduations,' I thought, hoping that I wasn't lying to myself, not again.


*Witty and original pun here* Haha!!!!....'-'

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