Plans For The Future

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   I Feel Like Throwing Up (Thanks Teacher...) But I Feel To Happy To Care! 50 Votes! 1O00Reads!!!


     These past few weeks have been nothing short of hell. To start things off, All of us are graduating soon, fun right? 'Eh..not really. I've decided I am going to college, which means I've been writing applications all month, along with completing the answers to each of the application forms over and over again. I did tell Mom and dad, and they were happy about it, but I don't like how everyone basically stopped talking about the whole gay thing, not that they accept it or told me whether or not they did, It's that they're pretending like it never happened, rather than anything else. I think I would've prefered a heart-felt emotional moment about how families stick together, but no....just silence

     Chilled told his parent the following week and they we perfectly fine with it. Beyond Chilled's dad joking about Chilled's strange sexual tendencys, they didn't treat it any different from any other relationship. I hope more parents grow to be like his, mine included. We haven't told anyone outside our little group about us and if anyone asks, we'll just tell them the truth. Anyway, back to school stuff.

     I sent out several applications, but haven't recieved any word back yet. I hope to hear from them before school ends. Hell, I'd prefer an answer now, my hand hurts from so much writing. Why don't they take them online? I really hope if I do go to college, It's nearby. Honestly, I just don't want to be far from Chilled. Sure, we both could always Skype and all that, but like all people who have ever tried long-distance relationships, It feels like a puzzle that's missing a piece. In this case that missing piece would be Chilled.

     I decided to end today on all the writing, it's geting late anyway. I got out of my chair and made for the bed, stepping over various piles of clothes and papers. I haven't had the time to organize with all this preparation for college, that or I was too busy procrastinating. I took a quick glance at my phone, 10:21, May 16th. One of the colleges hopefully will respond soon. For our school,the last day is the 22nd of May. I curled up in a ball and tried to get sleep. Maybe me and Chilled could do something tomorrow? It's been a while since we've been able to do something not about school. And let me just put this out there, mixing business and pleasure don't alway mix. Usually, it's one or the other. Thinking about tomorrow was enough to get me asleep.


     "Huh?" I looked up, Mom was standing by my bed, holding two packets. I recognized they immediantly, ceasing the daze from sleeping just as instantly. We both hurried downstairs. "Is dad here?" She shook her head.

     "No sorry, he had to go to work early today." She explained, no doubt sensing my faint disappointment. I would've expected one of those moments on T.V where the whole family stands around, awaiting whether or not they made it to college or not. Have to remember, life isn't like a T.V show, everything doesn't always working out in the end. Mom handed over one of the two applications, setting the other one down on the kitchen table. Suddenly I felt nervous, but I suppose that is to be expected. I opened and began reading the first one. Addressed from New York City's College Of Technology.

     I began skimming through. "NYC college of..... Thank you for.... After careful consideration........" I paused. "I regret to inform you that we cannot accept your admission..." There was more, but no one reads past the decline. I felt disappointed, but remembered more than one came in today. Without another thought, I place the answer on the table. 

      I picked the second one up from the table, my heart putting drums to shame and my hands sweating up a storm, a sweaty one. I'm also burning up in this 65°f house. I pulled out the paper, dropping it. I picked it up from the floor and began reading, not even bothering to see which collage sent this. If they rejected me too, there's no reason to know which one sent this. "On behalf of our faculty and staff, we needed to choose between an extraordinarily accomplished and Academically talented group of young individuals..." I paused, shocked at the next words. Mom noticed my shock and came over about to read it herself, but I finished. "I'm in!!!" I practically yelled loud enough for my family in Canada  to hear.

         Mom came in for a hug, one that I gladly accepted. "I'm so proud of you." She said.

     "Even though I'm...?" I began to ask, both of us knowing where my sentance was going. She sighed faintly and gave a gesture that implied that we both sit down.

     "I can't change who you are. But I want you to understsnd this: This world is a hateful place, filled with hostility and anger. I want you to be careful, more so, I want you to be happy."

     "What made you change your mind?"

     "I didn't want you to be victom of that hatred, so I wanted to say anything to change your mind. But as you once said, It's no choice, which means it's nothing I can change." I teared up, realizing that she didn't want to change me for herself, she wanted to in order to keep me safe...

      I don't know what to say. What do people say to things like that?

     "Thank you...I promise to be careful." That's all I really could think of to say.

     Mom smiled. "You better. After all, the collage is in California."  She commented, shortly after examinating the papers herself.



     Being a 14 year old, I know not of this collage stuff. Sorry If This Chapter Makes No Sense!


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