Drunk Daze

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I Kinda Changed my plans for this chapter because it sucked....I mean It still sucks just....less?

P.S: Sorry for taking so long! School n' such....


The Day After...Yup....

"Ugh...." I opened my eyes to see myself on a bed. Chilled's bed to be more specific. I sat up, looking for any sign of Chilled. As I looked from side to side, I tried to remember what just happened in the span from after the car ride to now.

Without sight of Chilled or memories of yesterday, I began to get off the bed. As I got off the bed, I felt something under my foot, or well, my shoe I suppose. I looked down to see an unconscious Anthony, his mario hat covering his face. He was also, holding several condoms? I tilted my head at the several pieces of latex in his right hand. Where did he-? Why does he have-? How many of those-?

I decided it was best of me to not know. At least not until I had a clue of what happened. I got off the bed, trying to refrain from standing on him.

As soon as I got off the bed, My head started to hurt. By hurt, I mean HURT. I felt instant pain and dizziness, as well as dryness in my throat. I then begun swaying, inevitably falling on the sleeping Anthony.

"OH! my god." He gasped, getting quieter with each word in the phrase. "Why are you on top of me?"

"S..sorry!" I begun with a sheepish smile. "I got off the bed and I guess I just lost my balance."

"Well you did drink quite a bit last night." He pointed out, getting to his feet then proceeding to stretch a bit.

"I drank?" He nodded, now fully standing up. "Like, alcohol?" He nodded again. He put a hand out to me on the floor. I gladly accepted it and joined him in standing up. "How much?"

"Well I'd say 'A lot!' Unfortunately, you still were acting pretty sober so: Nothing to post in a video."

"So what happened yesterday?" I asked, now both of us sitting on the bed.

"You don't remember any of what happened when we got home?" I shook my head. He then giggled a small and creepy giggle. "That means I can make up any story about yesterday that I want! Maybe I-"


"Sorry I let the power consume me for a second." He apologized. "Okay: So here's what happened."

"First, you, my parents, and I went home." Flashback Start!

Chilled and I were in his parent's car, bound for his house. It'd probably be smart If I went home first- Get changed, drop off my diploma and this robe they gave us, but I wanted to spend time with Chilled and everyone else for the rest of the night. Doing all that would take more time than I wanted it to.

"Okay, the two of us will be out while you and your friends are here so have fun, but not too much fun. And preferably not on the carpet." Chilled's dad said, reciving one small hit on the shoulder from Mrs.Chaos. Chilled looked down, probably a bit embarassed.

"Thanks dad." He finally said quietly. As we both left the car, Chilled's dad rolled down the window.

"Hey Anthony, just to be safe!" He handed something to Chilled, but I was on the complete other side of the car so I didn't get a glimps of whatever that was. It must've been pretty bad though, considering the reaction he got.

"Christan!?" Chilled's mom yelled in a shocked and disgusted voice before shoving his shoulder once again.

"Hey: Better safe than sorry!" He joked in a serious tone before rolling up the window. As he did, Mrs.Chaos began mumbling something like 'I married a crazy person.' I shugged it off an comtinued walking to their house. Once Chilled and I were both on his lawn, they drove off. We both began walking towards the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2015 ⏰

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