(Pt.2) We're Graduating Today

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    Today Is My 4th month on Wattpad! Thank everyone out there for reading and Voting!  

       152 Votes!? 2427 Reads!? 25 Comments!? Woah...


     I quietly open the door to the house, careful not to make any noise. After a whole day filled with nothing but talking and music that reminds me of a construction site, a little bit of quiet would be welcomed. I plopped down onto my bed without another thought.

     Shortly after I woke from my little nap, a knock sounded at my door. Both dad and mom entered my room, mom holding the graduation clothing that we picked out weeks prior. "Do you want to start getting ready?" Mom asked with a quiet yet calming tone. I really wanted to say no, but given that  we all have to go downtown in a few hours gave me no real other choice.

     "Yeah, let's do it." I stated as I got out of bed.

*Insert Quick Montage*

     I took another glance at myself in the mirror. I at a white dress shirt with a tie and black flat front trousers. Not that it'd matter much at the grauation anyway, considering we'll be wearing those robes over it. Not to even mention my hair right now. It feels so...greasey with all this gel stiffening it into place. Like earlier, it doen't even matter too much anyways, this time it's because of the cap that we'll be throwing into the air or whatever. My phone vibrated from on my desk.

Chilly: Hows it goin?

ZE: Oh you know... I feel like I have way too much clothes on right now.

 Chilly: No problem! Later I could take it off for you ;)

     I giggled, wondering if he was joking or not. We hadn't done anything that far yet, but this is Chilled we're taking about. He could and will make a sex joke about really anything. It only leaves the world to wonder if some of them are true or not.

ZE: I'm heading over to the graduation place in a few minutes.

Chilly: Cool, I'll be cuming soon :)

ZE: Why do you alway spell 'come' like that?

Chilly: .....

Chilly: It saves space?

     I rolled my eyes, still smirking. "Hey Steven, we'd better go!" Dad called from downstairs. After taking another second to look at myself in the mirror, I bolted downstairs. We all headed out the door without another word.

     We drove strait to downtown where the graduation ceremony would be taking place. The drive over was pretty quiet, for me at least. Mom and Dad were invested in a seemingly endless conversation, only bringing me in for an occasional opinion or input. I still assume they're not quite over the whole gay thing. But I really hate having to refer to it like that. The second we were parked, I bolted through the door, almost forgetting about my seatbelt. I look around, searching for the Italian with red 'M' hat. Someone wrapped their arms around my waist from behind. Not Mario, but Chilled. "Hey Steven!"

     "Hey Chilled." I said awkwardly. I pretty sure mom and dad know we're dating, but that doesn't make it any less weird to do in front of them. "Why do you still have your Mario hat on?"

     He removed his hands from my waist to take his hat off. "It has sentimental value." He explained, sounding somewhat serious. I didn't want to pry, so I changed the subject.

     "You ready to graduate?" He shrugged.

     "I barely remember anything I leard from school so...yeah."

     "What are we supposed to be doing right now?" I asked, seeing only a few clusters of other students sprawled across the building's yard.

     "Oh, well first we need to go there," He pointed to a smaller building beside the one we were at. "From there, we'll get that hat and robe, plus we'll find out how everything's going to happen. Apperantly parents are supposed to be in the big building, finding seats and such." I looked around, seeing Mom and dad already heading inside.

      "Well I guess to the smaller building!" I announced, sticking my hand out for Chilled to grab. He gladly took it and we walked into the building, hand in hand.


I'm 14...Kinda going to guess on these grauation parts....

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