17.) She has two different states: normal and hunting / berserk mode. In her normal state, her left eye is a green color whilst her right eye has a black sclera and an operator symbol replacing her iris and pupil. In her berserk state, both eyes contain black scleras and operator symbols (with left being white, and right being red followed by black liquid dripping from this side). Her eyes change according to her mood (usually when she's a rabid bitch (angry), or a kid on Christmas (excited)).

18.) When Slenderman first met Nemesis (when she was eight), he planned to eat her, but changed his mind. (What? What'd it do? Just take one nibble of her arm and went 'ew' and threw up or some shit?).

19.) Since she was 10 years old, she has been labeled a problem child by teachers due to always being caught fighting some bully (ah, so it's both then).

20.) She acquired Geneva at the age of 15 as a surprise gift from her father. He found it on the streets (hobo spider). It took half a year for Geneva to warm up and grow attached to Nancy.

21.) As a child, Nancy and Slenderman would play games together. Nemesis discovered a few years later that they were, in fact, not games, but training methods it was ingraining into her in hopes of shaping the perfect proxy once she becomes of age. (What kind of "games" were they even playing to even be mistaken for actual games. Hide 'n' seek?". And there's an age limit to become a proxy? Do they have to sign up for some sort of permit? When did this random faceless bitch creature even care about legality anyways?).

22.) While Nemesis does get respect from the older proxies for doing her job efficiently, not all proxies approve of her and just her very existence in general. Some are said to be envious of Nemesis and her closeness with the Slenderman, not knowing the real relationship between the two... wait, do the other proxies think they're screwing each other?! I don't know, I'm confused on what they mean by this. She's literally like every other proxy every, what other relationship do they have (or what the proxies think they have).

23.) Due to Geneva being docile towards Nemesis and obeying instructions given by her, others have mistaken her for a spider whisperer.

24.) She is said to have the skills and mind of an amateur detective being able to inspect an area and uncover clues / evidence others failed to find.

25.) Nemesis will sometimes use Geneva's spiderlings (slings) to scout her surroundings. Due to the minuscule nature of the slings (plus the large quantities of them), they make perfect spies.

26.) While she is faster than the average human, she is slower compared to other proxies hence why she uses retractable rollerblades.

27.) Nemesis has a love for cinnamon treats (especially Cinnabons and cinnamon pie). Those who know of this addiction of hers can try to make or buy cinnamons goods as a bribe.

28.) After becoming a proxy, she became a hoarder. After murdering a victim, she would take any possessions they had and store them into a large shed near her treehouse. While she does use some items, items she didn't use or have no use for stay in the shed.

29.) Nemesis' favorite alcohol is absinthe (green fairy approves). When she's in a good mood, she mixes in sugar or mixes it in a cocktail. If she's in a bad mood, she'll take it as a shot.

30.) Going along with #29, her favorite drink is a white chocolate cinnamon latte. Apparently, she'll drink both hot or cold versions while on the job (I think she should drink both versions... together).

31.) Nemesis and Jane used to be good friends until Jane asked her for help in killing Jeff the Killer.

32.) Nemesis gets along with the few proxies who don't judge her or know the truth about her, but for the most part, gets along better with the other creepypasta characters.

33.) Due to Nemesis disliking the cold, she much rather prefers to be in bed and hibernate until the Spring.

34.) Apparently, Nemesis is the type of person who doesn't care much about grooming (Mila Kunis?!?!), which is why her hair is always so shaggy. She does, however, care about other hygienic practices (sooo, technically not Mila Kunis, but kind of?).

35.) She likes Japanese culture and cuisine, which she was introduced by a friend (Hiroshi, I'm guessing) from her college days. She even learned some martial arts from him (we have him to blame...).

36.) On top of her interest in Japanese cuisine, she is a good cook. She is such a good cook that, one time in the Slendermansion (☠️), she left the kitchen for a few minutes and returned to an empty pot a several used bowls. She never left the food by itself after that.

37.) She is created by, darkangel6021.

Hallo somehow-still-alive Creepypasta fandom. After much procrastination, I am temporarily back from the dead to provide more chapters on Creepypastas I have missed the opportunity to write about. After I have finished researching, writing, and publishing those, I shall return to the dead. As a side note, I wanted to also thank you, somehow-still-alive Creepypasta fandom, for having this fact book reach 100k views. Everyone gets a round of applause 👏.

Facts to DIE for: CANON CREEPYPASTA FACTSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora