Chapter 14

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Another annoying thing is that Natasha, Elizabeth, and Brandon usually take a while to pick their outfits.  Of course, Dylan was the only one to pick his out before he headed down to the Danger Room for some training. 

                So, I got into my baby and went without them to school.  It's not like I am a part of that little routine they do when they make an entrance.  Brandon knows the way to the school anyways. 

                The drive was fast, almost too fast.  I guess I should slow down more.  Oh well.  I shrugged off the thought and got out of my Viper. 

                "Bella!" Alice squealed when I came into view.  "Oh my God, I love your car!"

                "Yup, she's my baby" I grinned, leaning against the back of my Viper. 

                She was about to jump me when another vampire came and wrapped his arm around Alice's waist protectively.  I would have attacked if Alice hadn't smiled warmly and kissed him on the cheek.  He seemed to calm down slightly. 

                "Protective, isn't he?" I grinned as I walked up, making sure to keep my posture as non-threatening as possible without looking weird to the other humans. 

                "He'll come around" Alice said confidently.  "This is my husband, Jasper."

                He nodded a hello. 

                "One down, 3 more to go" I sighed.  "My siblings will be here soon, would you like to meet them?" I offered. 

                "Sure" she chirped. 

                I looked to Jasper. 


Isabella BelifieldWhere stories live. Discover now